The OcUK FIFA08 league (360): Season 2 sign up

I'm sick off this bloody game, just had a few friendlies and all the bugs are annoying me. For instance my opponent crossed the ball in, i was pushing left & X yet he player lays it down to the right to torres and he scores WTF! and i hate the bloody ball watching when you do over the top through balls, you can be holding run yet they just jog abd stare at ball
Right got some rules ready that hopefully will be online by tonight. Also got a new system being worked on by aeT that should help sort out some team selection issues if/when a new round starts. But thats for later on. ;)
Also, how much of an advatage is it in hosting the game, a quick scan through some results seems to point to a significant trend in the hosts favor?

Maybe I just picked a really conicidental lot of results but I just wondered?

I have noticed that, I don't know if there is an advantage but some people on here have rejected my invite then sent an invite for to host :rolleyes:
I am not a great player and have lost more times than I care to remember, I even lost 5-4 to Hencore last season in a game I felt I should have won and nothing was going my way, yes I was fuming but I didn't come here and moan about it or rage quit, I accepted that the better player won and acknowledged it here.

Thats right biatch :p:D;)

Can I make a suggestion to improve the website for next season, (providing there is one of course)

Can we add the match comments from here onto the results screen. It would be great for example to go to Andy's results and see what happened when he lost aeT in his first game.

I like reading the comments on here but sometimes there are just too many to take in all at once.

What do you think?

Yeah this should be possible, ill work on some ideas.

Table updated kinda, just noticed a whole new page of results!! Will do later on!

I hate you Hencore! ;)

I hate you too babe :p
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