The OcUK NEW Stylish themes thread 2017

Added a snippet of code to the first post, makes some changes to "Alternate" style, its only a small amount of code NOT a full rewrite so you must use it with the alternate style or the colours will be wrong, it removes some stuff, tweaked message boxes and various cosmetic changes, it wont be to every ones taste but its there if you want to try it. Create a new style for the forums in Stylus or stylish then just copy and paste it, save and done.
Edited my code snippet for this forum so its full width, better than narrow fixed width imo, remeber it only really works with Alternative theme.
Hiya @wiiija,
Have the github themes been deleted? I've finally decided to bin Chrome for Firefox and having a heck of a time trying to mimic what I saw in Chrome. I did straight up copy the css code from Chrome in to Stylus Firefox but it displays considerably differently. I really dislike the hard lines between threads but I suspect I've somehow performed a mashup between the browsers.
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