The OcUK stuck in an elevator thread

21 Apr 2004
Ok so, you're standing happily in an elevator travelling to wherever and it breaks down.

You're in there with one other person. If you could choose, out of the OcUK hive, who would you choose to be stuck with and why?
iCraig said:
Ok so, you're standing happily in an elevator travelling to wherever and it breaks down.

You're in there with one other person. If you could choose, out of the OcUK hive, who would you choose to be stuck with and why?

No one as id kill anyone who was stuck with me in the lift:p:D or failing that i think the person would kill me as i can be quite annoying at times lol.

EDIT: Actually i wouldnt mind being stuck in a lift with a woman from here, i could just look at her least that would pass the time:p
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Zip, so I could use all the threads he creates to make a rope and escape.
Ukadder said:
Piggymon: Could use her as a step ladder and get out of the roof hatch.

You seriously want to explain to your girlfriend why you were in an elevator an attractive woman that would not stop talking about how big her boobs are compared to the rest of her body?

I’d chose anyone that doesn’t suffer from BO TBH
any1 from newcastle - 1st one that springs to mind is stellois, though i could be wrong

or VIRII, by the sounds of it he is a complete beast and could mash his way out of the lift
vonhelmet said:
LOL. Literally. That's class.

do you know what it is he used it in the free style thread.....

FREESTYLER111!!11one said:
The whole point of battle rap is to take rhyme and word to new heights
This i can do without hesitation any time day or dark night
I was on the sideline when you dragged me into the ring
Now i pounced on you and flingbang you just to show you im the real king
This king aint even wearing no bling just straight linguistic string
Now your cry for help is falling on deaf ears
Watch YOUR supporters as they give me the cheers
When i look in the mirror i see me, i see elrazur
But what do you see? you see something that cut faster than a laser.

When next you wanna battle, make sure it aint me.

Ohh ive just read it again it sounds a bit like groin fiving :confused: :p
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