Just got back
My wife seems to be disapeared
, probably shopping for my Christmas prezzy [fingers crossed]
What a fun weekend, I missed out on the shinanigans at Piggy's but heard the stories
The older amongst us decided to have a curry rather than go clubbing, but I think we looked a little healthier for the extra 4-5 hours sleep, certainly a lot healthier than GTA or 'I am a fag' as he is now known.
The stories are true, I did indeed get a pasting from a geriatric slapper, who took a dislike to the back of my head, bit odd really but she didn't get much of a swing thanks to some swift intervention from Feek and Will Gill.
For anyone who hasn't been to a meet before and is a bit uncertain this was my first and almost certainly won't be my last, everyone was really friendly and I throughly recomend it.
Safe Clart
I remember (nicking Freefallers idea)
Will Gills driving
It started raining THE INSTANT as we crossed the bridge and hit Wales!
Gilly's 'camp' cueing stance
Getting a beating off a little old lady
That great T-shirt Demo brought as a Secret Santa prezzie
A very nice and VERY hairy sound engineer (great bloke)
Chatting to Haly and speaking in CAPS about youth work
Gilly and Will Gill both saying and I quote 'I don't post much these days!!', should have got that in writing!
Chatting to Feek (what a sound bloke)
Hearing how the other half (dons and underbosses) live
Goldie Looking Chain
How ickle Piggy is!
Getting rescued from Morrisons by Lopez and Lostkat and getting lost off the end of the Wicked OCUK Cruuuuuooooozzzzz
Will Gills 2Fat 2Furious decal
DRZ putting away 20 Chicken McNuggets
How much nicer/ cooler everyone was than I expected