The OcUK Username Pronunciation Thread

Mohinder said:
I say my name Moe-hinder.

I've heard people say Mo-high-nder though, that gets on me ****.
I think as a reeeal name it's more like muh-hinder though. But sod that, it's my name, I say it's Moe-Hinder.

I've always wanted to ask you about your name. Is it Indian? Because it is an Indian name I kid you not :)
cyKey said:
He is. DM Poole.

Oh btw its psyche not sicky :p On IRC its cyk as in pscyh not sic :D



Sequoia said:
What did I say about spelling it right? Blimey, the youf of today :rolleyes:

No wonder you don't use Sequoia if you can't get "great" right. :D
Oi Redwood! ;)

If a man speaks in a forest and theres no-one around to hear - is he still wrong? :D

Creature said:
I think mine's fairly obvious.
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Mundu say it as it spelled but what I don't get is how people spell it wrong! M U N D U not Mundo!

I have no idea when the o replaced the last u but most people seem to spell it like that.
Mundu said:
Mundu say it as it spelled but what I don't get is how people spell it wrong! M U N D U not Mundo!

I have no idea when the o replaced the last u but most people seem to spell it like that.
actually... for ages i kept pronouncing your name as Monday because thats how i first read it... must have been drunk :confused:
i shall now stop... i pwomissss :p :cool:
Not really a name I get called in public :p Just the online gaming name I started using in ~1997. Thought up randomly at the time because I'm a carbon entity and the 6th element on the periodic table is carbon. It had nothing whatsoever with wanting to get into Milla Jovovich's pants.
6thElement said:
It had nothing whatsoever with wanting to get into Milla Jovovich's pants.
althought that is just a good enough reason for me :D
wouldn't mind getting into them myself :p
not while your there though :eek:
This is a bit geeky but applies to this thread. It involves the android Data from Star Trek The Next generation and one of my favourite moments that summed a computer up.

This bloke keeps calling him Dar-tar and Data keeps saying "it is Day ta".
The bloke then says something like "It doesn't really matter to which Data replies "one is my name and the other is not"

<geeky mode off>
penski said:
I had 'moob-in'

As in 'man boob in'


Oi! Associating me with Man boobs :( I was thinking of getting my name changed until I realised the sig would need changing too, don't know if I want to do that!..... Ach it's not that bad a name I suppose and nicely ambiguous
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