Poll: ***The Official Age of Conan Server Poll*** - PvEers on Dagon

What Server Type Do You Want To Play On?

  • PvP

    Votes: 34 34.0%
  • PvE

    Votes: 61 61.0%
  • RP-PvP

    Votes: 5 5.0%

  • Total voters
13 May 2007
Basically as the title states, what server type will you be on this saturday. (Can a don add a poll to this thread with the below options...thanks :))


European English Servers (Early Access 17th of May)

PvE Servers


PvP Servers


RP-PvP Server



Official AOC forum server choice Poll: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/339124/results


**Important**: To all OcUK PvE'ers we will be rolling on the 'Dagon' Server

***In Game Names***:

Datamonkey: Braks
Gackt: Eros
Jokester: Jokester
=LOGS=: Logain
Mrk1@1: Prescient
robin66: Arwen
Sinny: Sinny
SS-89: Atum
Vtec9k: Elise
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=/ OcUK are a bunch of pansies or loners!

Find some friends and quest in a group, you'll probably regret going PvE in the long run, once you've ran out of content on 2-3 classes.

Like Jokester said you can go to the border kingdoms if you want to for PvP on PvE servers.
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the only difference really is that in pve, regular zones are also "safe", whereas on PvP the only safe zones are the towns

To put it simply on PvE you have more of a choice on whether you want to PvP.

Im guessing on saturday we could make a decision for what PvE server we will be rolling on :) Dagon has been mentioned.
I guess the majority of the servers will be fairly active, but thats a list of early access servers so I assume more will be added. It will be pretty hard to find out which servers have the greatest population though. I guess we should choose a PvE server sometime saturday and I'll add it to the OP so everybody knows.
Sweet my account finally got approved for early access and I already have the client downloaded & patched. Roll on tommorow!! :D

Is everyone happy with Dagon as the PvE server?
Got a guildname yet?

OcUK ?


Early Pve poll from the AOC forums indicates Crom being the most popular PvE server.

Dagon not too far behind really but it's a small poll atm.

Guildname I'd assume OcUK...:p

If everyone is happy with Dagon then I'll add it to the OP as the server we will be rolling on.

PvPers if you would like to tell me which PvP server you will be on I will add it to the OP as well so other PvPers know which server OcUK people will be on.
Dragon's good with me :cool:

Having not played any of the beta's, what's the process for starting a guild. Is there a requirement to have a certain amount of money and enough people to sign your charter etc? Also who's going to play guild leaders? I'm guessing people who've had most beta experience or are going to dedicate the most time to the game will be the most likely.

I'm just a casual player so thats me out of the running :p

Yh I'm more a casual player too. I guess people can put themselves forward.
Yep I agree, btw did anyone else notice that DX10 is now available in the client after you click play. This is after I updated to the new patches which were on top of last nights ones. About 250mb worth this morning.
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Yep either another one is on the way or they have taken all the servers down for tweaking before it goes live. If there is another patch I doubt it will be a major one just before they put the servers up.
Gah, no reference to OcUK please. Try and keep it game themed or at least mature.

Nothing with dark/shadow/knights/legolas/troop/laser/killerz or any reference to anything from Final Fantasy.

I'm crap at names...how about Sauce? Then my name will be;


This is for the PvE'ers on Dagon though...isn't it? I thought you were Pvp'ing
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