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*** The Official ATI Radeon HD 6950 Overclocking Thread ***

No you get it from a site or somebody thats uploaded it. From sapphire you need to register though. Surprised you never had trixx for your 6870. So far on my 6870 i have 1050 core and 1200 memory using trixx. The 6950 seems to be getting around the same kind of overclock percentage.

Trixx allows for 1.3v but i hear you can get 1.5 with some version of afterburner.

TBH I didnt have it long enough and was to busy with work really to play with it.

Maybe I should have kept it lol. But the guy I sold it too is happy and the cost of the upgrade was nowt in the end.
Afterburner only lets me clock to 840mhz and their is no voltage control

You have to edit the config file in afterburner and change overclocking from 0 to 1, this'll enable you to clock higher in afterburner. I'll have a look and see if I can recall how to do this.

Edit: if you go into program files>msi afterburner>look for a config.file called MSIafterburner and open it with notepad, right at the bottom theres a file called "enableunofficialoverclocking"> change this value from 0 to 1> save and exit and you should be able to overclock past 840 on the core.
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New tech is new tech would have done the same myself if the upgrade cost little as the 6950 is definately the better dx11 card. I think once the 6950's see some decent voltage altering support they will most likely go over 1000 core.
You have to edit the config file in afterburner and change overclocking from 0 to 1, this'll enable you to clock higher in afterburner. I'll have a look and see if I can recall how to do this.

Edit: if you go into program files>msi afterburner>look for a config.file called MSIafterburner and open it with notepad, right at the bottom theres a file called "enableunofficialoverclocking"> change this value from 0 to 1> save and exit and you should be able to overclock past 840 on the core.

Cheers mate:cool:

900/1350 I was straight in with no ill effects

@ Gareth whats your fans speed at?
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I got the core on my 6950 up to 930mhz, wouldn't go any higher mind and it wasn't heat causing the problem, I didn't see load temps higher than 75c, I reckon it needs a bit more voltage meself.
Oh great, here we go again, whats a 480 got to do with a 6950 overclocking thread, I'd assume its purely for the ATI cards:confused:
I suppose it was only a matter of time.
I'm interested in where this thread will go. I'm not too fussed about Heaven benchmark but more to the scaling in performance with overclocking in games.

I have the MSI 5850 on it's way. I'm really interested in the performance of the 6950 (OC'd) vs xfire 5850s. Well, I'll have the option of crossfiring them when I get my new board and CPU so I'm interested into seeing where to go next.

I should have ordered the 6950 but the price was too tempting on the 5850.
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I'm interested in where this thread will go. I'm not too fussed about Heaven benchmark but more to the scaling in performance with overclocking in games.

I have the MSI 5850 on it's way. I'm really interested in the performance of the 6950 (OC'd) vs xfire 5850s. Well, I'll have the option of crossfiring them when I get my new board and CPU so I'm interested into seeing where to go next.

I should have ordered the 6950 but the price was too tempting on the 5850.

I've already had me new Xfire mobo delivered a coupla days ago so I'm in market for a second 6950. I had 4850s Xfired an 4870s also Xfired, had fairly good results, but the scaling didn't leave much to be desired, so I'm hoping the results with a pair of 6950s will be a lot better. Saying that I won't be entirely happy in Xfiring a pair of these due to the noise from what I've heard ('scuse the pun) but I'll be willing to give it a go even it does mean not overclocking as far as I'd like.
Unwinder is thinking about removing the unofficial overclocking from msi afterburner :(

So it is not a latest beta issue, it is your understanding issue and it WILL NOT change with future releases. Do I have to hide it more deeply and protect with dynamic passoword and shared passwords with true power users only to make you, guys, think and read prior to unlocking it? Honestly, I'm even really close to removing the unofficial overclocking path at all.

abit unfair just because of one person
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