*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

Can anyone tell me wtf is the point of scoring points for suppression in this game if it does absolutely nothing to the accuracy of the enemy? Twice today i had a sniper suppressed only to get headshotted 2x in a row.

Suppressed players get "spotted" so you're getting points for spotting really but they just called it suppression for immersion
Suppressed players get "spotted" so you're getting points for spotting really but they just called it suppression for immersion

Dumb implementation of it, you suppress them but they can still pop up and headshot you. In past games they had an accuracy penalty =/
Surprised you're still playing it tbh. You're probably more invested in it than I was when I uninstalled it however, I was just shy of LV50 lol.

Edit: 47 https://battlefieldtracker.com/bfv/profile/origin/Yaayuh/overview

Been lvl 50 for months now, really just play a couple of round a day on Tank centric maps. Some aspects of it i like others seem stupid. THink its safe to say most the content planned for this game will likely never get made due to the sales being low.
Been lvl 50 for months now, really just play a couple of round a day on Tank centric maps. Some aspects of it i like others seem stupid. THink its safe to say most the content planned for this game will likely never get made due to the sales being low.

They ****ed it up. I was stoked for a WW2 game, but not all the battles I’ve never heard of fought by people that might have once stuck their tongues out at the germans
Have to say the Stug is an underwhelming turd. A supposed Tank Destroyer that seems to have same the gun (when you upgrade) as the panzer 4. Its literally like using a panzer 4 but having more disadvantages like no turret and very limited gun movement in any axis. You take on tanks with it and it takes a load of shots to take one out, and with 24 rounds max capacity you find yourself running to reload quite often.

How this classifies as a Tank Destroyer i don't know, i would have expected a more powerful shell at least.
They ****ed it up. I was stoked for a WW2 game, but not all the battles I’ve never heard of fought by people that might have once stuck their tongues out at the germans

Yup, had they made a sequel to Bf1942 it would likely have been a pretty good game. Instead they go full on with shoehorning female soldiers in and pushing an agenda about why they want to be on the right side of history. :rolleyes:

Rushed out, buggy as all ****, lacking content, the game still doesn't even have all its modes yet. Lacklustre maps, legacy bugs, non existent anti-cheat, could have been much more but they wanted to piggyback on an agenda and EA making them release the game when it was at best in beta state didn't help matters.
Rushed out, buggy as all ****, lacking content, the game still doesn't even have all its modes yet. Lacklustre maps, legacy bugs, non existent anti-cheat, could have been much more but they wanted to piggyback on an agenda and EA making them release the game when it was at best in beta state didn't help matters.

100% agreed! Only reason I got it is because all of my mates got it and they were playing it most nights .... meh
100% agreed! Only reason I got it is because all of my mates got it and they were playing it most nights .... meh

Its a really weird game overall, far too many canned animations and too much dicking around with things that were fine as they were such as how a medic revived and how ammo and health was doled out.

Tank combat in the game is nothing but a series of random events, it's easy to get several bounced shots in a row from range and then have to go and resupply your ammo. As i said before dice seem to think this is a semi realistic tank sim in among arcade infantry play. I've taken 3% damage (while at 100%) and that somehow was enough to disable my tracks, 3%...Not to mention their whole systemic damage system seems utterly ****** as it is, you can get hit on the front of your tank and that somehow counts as a track disable, if anything more often than not its your tracks that get disabled regardless of where you get hit.

It can be fun in some instances but the whole game just feels like its trying to be realistic to an extent in one area and totally arcade like in another, it just baffles me how they thought changing so many things that "just worked" (© Jensen Huang at rtx 20xx series launch) and had to change them for the sake of changing them.

It's pretty obvious as a result of low sales most of the additional content planned for this game will be cancelled and they'll give us a few maps and weapons and be done with it. Then the next game on the EA conveyer belt will be announced (Battlefront 3) while Dice start another mad scramble to try and do another BF game with EA's moronic schedule of 2 years in mind.
Game is pretty much dead to me now, most of the guys I squad up with have moved onto Apex legends and I have zero interest in playing solo, too painful.

I easily got my moneys worth so I'm not complaining but the game is a complete mess, seemingly made worse with every patch. Prime example being air and AA, how many times do they need to see-saw between whether AA or the planes are OP? It's a reversal every single patch.

I'd like to think I won't buy the next BF, thats my state of mind right now, DICE have lost the plot.
As previous stated above, just re create maps from bf1942 for launch on bfv would have made people a lot happier. Some classic maps just left out for diff story telling aspects but most people dont care
Rushed out, buggy as all ****, lacking content, the game still doesn't even have all its modes yet. Lacklustre maps, legacy bugs, non existent anti-cheat, could have been much more but they wanted to piggyback on an agenda and EA making them release the game when it was at best in beta state didn't help matters.

It's just getting worse with each patch too. I'm now CTD loads more, the respawn screen is an epileptics nightmare and the lighting is shot to **** too. Me and my mate have just given up trying to take it too seriously anymore and we just spend as much time as possible trolling tanks/armour. The spirit of BF is dead. RIP.
Just tried to play this again and it wont even load now, keeps crashing to desktop as the game is loading :(

Doing the same thing here for me i came here looking for a fix.

Just run the Nvidia Geforce experience optimiser and now the game will run fine for me.
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Panzerstorm map on Grand Operations is really fun for the first 2 stages, then it's basically Arras with 2 demo sites such a shame DICE lack originality to actually come up with something new than tacking an already existing played to death map on something "new"
The Valentine Archer is up for grabs now, more friggin hoops top jump through including having to play game modes i don't even bother with. :rolleyes:
The Valentine Archer is up for grabs now, more friggin hoops top jump through including having to play game modes i don't even bother with. :rolleyes:
Aren't you supposed to be able to buy stuff with CC if you can't be arsed to do the hoops? I've got over 100,000 now but can't find anywhere to buy decent stuff, just stupid bling.
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