*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

I love the BF series and after BFV it's got me worried, I really hope they do modern day or BC3 and they have to learnt from their mistakes and take it on the chin, BF6 - if they fail will be the end of them they won't recover from 2 failures of this size. Hopefully they have plenty of time and will drop everything possible into to make it epic

I think the problem is there is no competition anymore. Both COD and BF have been generally rubbish for years. It needs someone else to come in and liven it up a bit.
Had a couple of games tonight....and as usual planes stole the show. Spitfires buzzing around with what appear to be laser guided rockets taking out tigers in a single pass, pilots up 20-30+ kills with zero deaths. Great to see that dice are true to form and make anything that flies irritating as **** to play against like in the vast majority of their games. If they could shoehorn a plane into that metro map they probably would. :rolleyes:
I think they must go modern again. Or perhaps slightly into the future. Some of the gadgets in BF3 and 4 were great fun. I still have great memories of locking down the whole US base on Caspian Border with a SOFLAM and a squad of Javelins, to the point no vehicle could even leave the base and the whole US team were after us!

Has to be modern, there's something about having choppers flying around the map combined with tanks, planes that makes BF3/BF4 really great to play.

BF1 was decent but it always felt like something was missing.
Has to be modern, there's something about having choppers flying around the map combined with tanks, planes that makes BF3/BF4 really great to play.

BF1 was decent but it always felt like something was missing.

Vietnam would be fantastic. Loved the original and expansion for BC2 was epic.
Planes have always been like that I used to go 50 for 0 quite easily in a Stuka with the big bombs. It all depends if the enemy is engaging you in dog fighting however.
Not really people seem to forget BFV is a team game and balanced as that.

Balanced? lol. You played the game lately? You get the occasional decent game and then get stuck into a meat grinder where the teams are heavily stacked. Planes with their laser guided rocket pods just have to line up on an aa and they can destroy it and not take a single hit as they pull away just as they're entering effective aa range. Right now in the game using any type of ground vehicle you may as well be running about with a 50 foot led sign over your head saying "free kill". As the video above demonstrates they take out anything ground based in an instant, you don't even have time to react to taking a hit. It may as well be instagib.

Just about any game i've played lately has all the "good" pilots on the one team, and when that happens you may as well forget about it as you can barely move.
I'm late to the party with this game. I've had it since not long after release but only just started playing. How do i check my progression? I'd like to know how long until my next class promotion etc.
The best anti-cheat is still user run servers with dedicated admins. BF3 & 4 had it right. And they could run stuff like mapvote or whatever game mode they liked.
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