The Official BioMutant Game

His review was spot on with this game though. Wasn't for him but technically and so on he liked it. I was thinking as he was reviewing it that my lad would love this as he's nearly 11 and that was what wab said so seems a fair review for it tbh.
£55 for an indie title is ridiculous.

This in a nutshell...hell £55 is more than even Cyberpunk was, now admittedly that was a bit of a pile but the point is that it was a hugely expensive to make AAA title. £55 as a price point puts Biomutant as more expensive than almost every AAA PC title there has been. Its a ludicrous price for what the game is.
They can put any old pile of ***** up for pre-order at £50 plus and people will buy it based on a flashy cinematic, without a single benefit to paying in advance I might add. They could still pay £55 on release if they were dumb enough, but no! let me give you £55 now for no good reason, other than the tiny dopamine hit which had already worn off I note : ( ...and only disincentivising the developer if anything, to make a good game

It's as simple as this, if you pre-order games you are thick.
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