**** The Official Chinese Phones Thread ****

Again, on a £200 phone, I don't think this is a big factor personally when 4G can handle plenty of capacity for a phone.

Its not the phones capacity I am on about but rather the network capability, if you have ever been to a popular event or large campsite for example where there are a couple of thousand people vying for that connection you get bugger all, the amount of devices contesting for mobile data is only going up, 5G will aim to reduce that congestion and the latency it brings, that's its biggest benefit more so than bandwidth, everything is after that mobile data now, not just peoples phones, I was driving around in a Polestar 2 the other day and the whole UI pretty much demands data and that's just a boggo car.
a couple of thousand people vying for that connection you get bugger all, the amount of devices contesting for mobile data

I haven't been keeping up to date with 5G (because I have no need of it), but won't this same congestion happen once everyone is off 4G and onto 5G? Won't the telcos provide the absolute minimum infrastructure they can feasibly get away with in order to limit their costs?

I'm also curious as to what benefits lower latency brings to phone users. Hardcore PUBG and Fortnite players who exclusively play on mobile must be few and far between. I can understand that low latency in the home brings benefits (should 5G ever take over from wired broadband), but not so much on mobile.
Latency shows itself in all sorts of apps, how quick webs pages load, how quick google/siri etc respond, 4G hardware handles less devices than 5G hardware by many orders of magnitude, 5G is nothing but beneficial, in the same way that the shift from 3G for 4G was, of course if you will change phones in 2 years it is vaild to say that it would be a better time to adopt then as no doubt more spectrum would be opened up and more frequencies supported in newer hardware

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I've been looking at the Poco X3 as a possible in-between phone and one of the reviews mentions adverts in MIUI. Are there any push adverts or are they embedded in the bloatware apps (and therefore avoidable)?
They are mostly avoidable if you spend some time going through apps and disabling them, there are some links a few pages earlier in this thread.
Its not the phones capacity I am on about but rather the network capability

Yes, me too.

Latency shows itself in all sorts of apps, how quick webs pages load, how quick google/siri etc respond

Yes and in these instances, latency isn't an issue. If you're waiting 0.2 seconds longer for a response from Google, I think that's okay...
On a loaded network it moves to something akin to time share where you wait your turn and the latency is measured in seconds if you get it at all.
Well , better late than never I guess. 5 weeks to arrive I think. It's a lovely looking phone, the rear is quite interesting even if the transparency/ layout is purely for aesthetics.

Working day long but will get to grips with it later.

Bummer, I took to the Note20 Ultra really well so I was intending to sell this on. However after half a days usage I'm reconsdering, it's such a nice device to use and funnily enough gives me the same positive vibes I had towards the Mi 10 Pro.

Negative things so far - no 4G on O2 ( H+ only so far), as someone who uses very little data out and about this isn't an issue. Can't test 5G unfortunately.

As with the Mi 10 Pro the auto brightness seems quite agressive. Will needs to see if there's a fix for this.

Keep this or sell Note 20.... hmmm


Trying to avoid using the 120W charge regularly to preserve the battery but christ it flies.. full charge from 18% in about 20 min. The 55w charger is crazy too..




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As most will be aware the Mi store 17th Sept has the POCO X3 on offer from 13:00 onwards, been looking at the specs on GSM arena and for the money it just seem a hella lot of phone. What are peoples opinions on the battery life (longevity) with with a 33 watt charger? Is the AMOLED worth it Mi Note 10 Lite for the +£100 over POCO X3 since they share a *most* features? Would peeps expect these phone to last 3 years before upgrading is needed or would that be pushing it?
Family member needs a simple-ish phone and Poco X3 basically seeks like the one to have for £200.

Heard there's ads in the OS, is that something that can be turned off with a little trickery?
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