*** The Official E3 2013 Thread ***

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Seems Division def not coming to PC, at least anytime soon..

Which feed have you guys found best tonight? I used GT to watch MS and it was mostly ok, But tried to watch Ubi and it just fell apart.

Wanting a decent one for Sony.
I'd be surprised if we didn't see it hit the PC at some time, being as these new consoles are basically PC's in smaller boxes. Pretty easy for UBI to "port" it over I'd guess.
Well considering the fact that Divison most likely has no single player, I'd of thought a PC version would have been a given, as Ubisoft seem to have this chip on their shoulder about piracy and you cant pirate mmos... The fact the architecture makes it so easy to port now aswell... Really seems like Ubisoft are determined to alienate the entire platform.
The division looked amazing. That alone would make me get a ps4 lol. I would much prefere to play it on the pc though as shooters always feel better on the pc but it looked great and definatly would be a day one purchase for me. Excited for the sony conference in 25 mins!
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