*** The Official E3 2013 Thread ***

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One question, was killer instinct ever big/well liked here in the UK? Just i can remember playing it and didint think much to it at the time. I'd rather have Rare redo knight lore or Sabre wulf, might be im just and old git lol.
Eugh. This Gametrailers/Spike stuff is so far up Microsoft's bum it's unreal. They won't say a bad thing about Xbone for the next couple of hours.
So are we down 1 new IP already then? 7 to go...

EDIT: Ads are already annoying me - if someone finds a better feed please mention it!

ps3ud0 :cool:
Ah, could be I thought it was Kinect Sports: Rivals. I only caught the last few seconds though.

People may be all *blah, blah* Kinect sucks but I thought Kinect Sports was actually damn fun.
Ah you might be right - I swapped windows as soon as I saw the Rare logo to post!

Well that 1 exclusive out of the way though :)

Think MS will buy E3 to kill Sonys momentum, tbh they kinda need to...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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