*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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who's been doing powerplay then?

I'm up to 395 merits for a couple hours work so far for lavingy-duval

I have pledged (Li Yong-Rui - Siruis) but not been doing the work, aside from the CG for Sirius (exploration). I'm in Diamondback Explorer and I really like it for exploring and I am getting 34 LY range (was in ASP).
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7,000+ Cr to refuel from 82% and 29,000+ Cr to repair 1% Hull Integrity on a Vulture. LOL!
I've noticed fuel costs on the same back-and-forth trade run sometimes increased dramatically as I was doing the runs, which I'd put down to a dynamic economy.
As for the hull integrity - Was that 99% on your dashboard, or from the Repairs section on the station menu? Even if your dash and the station main menu is showing 100%, the Repairs section is a separate thing that coveres general wear and tear - So while you're patched and fixed up to 100%, the underlying integrity of both the hull and/or individual components could still be peppered with stress fractures.

IIRC, these defects are what further affects the loss of money when you come to sell something.

Pledging allegiance to a faction has meant travelling though'enemy' systems now carries a risk , and a buzz of excitement that I'm somewhere where I shouldn't be ;-)
Indeed - Choices should have consequences and if you choose to shack up with one faction, whatever benefits you get are countered by the enemies you'll make...

I'll be jumping into PowerPlay at some stage. For now I need relative neutrality, as I'm trading across political borders. But it looks good - Sort of like a political strategy game, where you set up the turns/actions by actually doing things.
I suspect I will get kinda narked when I work my afterburner off for the prep missions and most of the community goes and supports the opposition, though! :D

Strawman argument, where has anyone recently complained that the devs won't concentrate on a,b,c
Whatever a, b and c are, I'm sure there's a complaints thread about it on FD Forums... along with several "Here's MY idea of what FD should do" threads! :D

It gave the impression that you were a mercenary space pilot who had hired him/herself out to a corporation. The linked missions gave a sense of progression that is sorely lacking in the full release.
Good idea...
Now how do you write something that will give such stories to, say, each of the 500,000+ players out there?
It'll take a lot of time to write and we can't all play through the same story - This isn't Freelancer!

IMHO punishing people for the massive crime of not playing, by introducing reputation decay, will simply push casual gamers away.
It's an online, dynamic environment. It can't all be put on hold while we wait just for you. It's like being an actor in Hollywood - If you're not around and making waves, you will be forgotten until you get back doing stuff.

It's not difficult to grind for credits/rank, it's just time consuming. Time consuming grind does not = gameplay IMHO.
That's what Elite always was, though - It was one of the first games where it didn't take 10 minutes to play and centre around a HiScore with 3 lives. It was always supposed to take time!

It's a step in the right direction but still a long way to go.
And there's plenty more that they're working on.
Unlike Star Citizen, these guys are actually making progress and at least there is a full basic game you can play, rather than a tiny area and a small hangar where you're expected to start backslapping the Devs because after three months of hard work they have finally released different coloured curtains, or something!!

Anyone who says ED is fine as it is are not seeing the potential IMHO.
Anyone complaining about how it's missing its potential is forgetting that it's still a work in progress. Heck, we haven't even gotten the Planetary Landings or walking around outside your ship yet!

Read the novel that is available for download and it sets the scene of an amazingly detailed and deep universe. Very little of this depth comes across during gameplay.
Which one?
There are several.
I wouldn't recommend Docking Is Difficult, though unless you're into the Terry Pratchet wannabe style.

Meh screw you guys and your arguing, I just made my first 100k lol
Congrats, Commander - May you see many more such achievements!
The game is nothing but a grind, there is nothing wrong in wanting to fly the big ships, yet when you do get there you are punished for flying them.

Credits for fuel
Credits for repairs
Credits for Hull integratity ( which is broken beyond belief, costs me Max 10m on my anoconda ATM for insurance, yet my hull at 90℅ is getting on at 6m why would I repair, might as well crash into station wall at 5% and get a new ship)
Credits for drones

Credits soon to be for a load out change

I am sorry I was the biggest fan of this game and owned every copy from the BBC, C64, Amiga and the PC. While this version is great for a 100hrs or so FD really have made a complete hash of after the past 4months if not more.

As for PP it does not make things intereasting in the slightest the factions are just whitewash over a thin system. Hell I make more money with less risk as a neutral trader as to being aligned. The rewards for joining are again laughable 2hrs shooting and 30k.... To add to the above credits.

Make no mistake FD have significantly alienated a great deal of the player base on there head be it. I will pop in from time to time and do my SOL trip once a released VR is here but in the meantime forget it and that means nothing from the cash shop from me in the forseable future.
Feels like we should have new thread called something like

"Official elite dangerous thread for people who actually like elite dangerous "

Tough for new players to get a word in sometimes amongst all the negativity :-(
The game is nothing but a grind, there is nothing wrong in wanting to fly the big ships, yet when you do get there you are punished for flying them.

Credits for fuel
Credits for repairs
Credits for Hull integratity ( which is broken beyond belief, costs me Max 10m on my anoconda ATM for insurance, yet my hull at 90℅ is getting on at 6m why would I repair, might as well crash into station wall at 5% and get a new ship)
Credits for drones

Credits soon to be for a load out change

I am sorry I was the biggest fan of this game and owned every copy from the BBC, C64, Amiga and the PC. While this version is great for a 100hrs or so FD really have made a complete hash of after the past 4months if not more.

As for PP it does not make things intereasting in the slightest the factions are just whitewash over a thin system. Hell I make more money with less risk as a neutral trader as to being aligned. The rewards for joining are again laughable 2hrs shooting and 30k.... To add to the above credits.

Make no mistake FD have significantly alienated a great deal of the player base on there head be it. I will pop in from time to time and do my SOL trip once a released VR is here but in the meantime forget it and that means nothing from the cash shop from me in the forseable future.

I disagree completely, each to their own, I hope you find something more to your tastes.
Well I'm back in game but I've lost about 9000 ly from my trip to the core. :(

That sucks! This is the one thing keeping me grounded at the moment. Your situation is not really common, but there are people who have lost thousands of KLY, due to this bug. If you haven't already done so, I suggest contacting the support staff as I believe they can reposition you in the vicinity you were in.

I am only 4KLY out into (roughly) the galaxy core, and I want to avoid any major setback. Let me know how you get on.
The game is nothing but a grind, there is nothing wrong in wanting to fly the big ships, yet when you do get there you are punished for flying them.
Kinda like complaining that your massive Range Rover costs a bomb to run compared to your Honda CG125, innit?

As for PP it does not make things intereasting in the slightest the factions are just whitewash over a thin system. Hell I make more money with less risk as a neutral trader as to being aligned. The rewards for joining are again laughable 2hrs shooting and 30k.... To add to the above credits.
PowerPlay is not about making money. It's about strategy, politics and effecting galactic changes.

It's also completely optional...

Tough for new players to get a word in sometimes amongst all the negativity :-(
Hey, I'm listening - Go for it, dude!!
How many people that have been playing for a while are still in the Sidewinder?

I've upgraded mine about as far as I can without spending too much and the next step is more cargo, that means ditching the shield generator though which might not be such a good idea...
How many people that have been playing for a while are still in the Sidewinder?

I've upgraded mine about as far as I can without spending too much and the next step is more cargo, that means ditching the shield generator though which might not be such a good idea...

I stayed in my Sidewinder until I could afford a Cobra, and that was crap in comparison until it was upgraded, my Sidewinder was as fully fitted as I could make it and the stock Cobra just did not compare lol.
How many people that have been playing for a while are still in the Sidewinder?
Once I started getting interested in combat, I went to the Eagle.
It's crap stock, of course, but fully kitted I was taking down most ships. I only started to struggle once I was going up against high-ranked Pythons and the like. One hell of a ship if you do it right and making enough Bounty Vouchers to upgrade to a Vulture is pretty quick. Cobra even more so, though of the two I preferred the Viper for combat, myself.
Not really bothered about combat really at this point, just want to get the money in a bit more so I can get a better ship and upgrade it rather than buy a ship and it not be better until I've thrown the cash at it...
Not really bothered about combat really at this point, just want to get the money in a bit more so I can get a better ship and upgrade it rather than buy a ship and it not be better until I've thrown the cash at it...

From a Sidewinder I went to an Adder and did quite a bit of Trading, Exploring and even Mining! Mining is apparently a lot better now, I soon had enough Credits to buy a Viper and keep the Adder for Trading, I never got on with a Cobra and ended up back in a Viper for ages until I got my Vulture, I was going to buy an Asp, but they released the Diamondback Scout Explorer so I've bought and fully upgraded one of those for more Exploring even though I could now easily afford an upgraded Asp and shot off in to the darkness to get as far away as possible from the Powerplay guff. :D
Had a blast hanging around a RES site this evening. Some gov ships were helping with food distribution or something (theres a food shortage at the planet) then these pirate ships swooped into the sector and all the government ships engaged them and i just tagged along helping them out managed to snag 100k in bounty :D

So went off docked somewhere and was able to upgrade most parts of my sidey yay \o/
haven't looked into this since beta and my old joystick broke :(
but my new X52 pro is being delivered today, can't wait to get stuck in :D
From a Sidewinder I went to an Adder and did quite a bit of Trading, Exploring and even Mining! Mining is apparently a lot better now, I soon had enough Credits to buy a Viper and keep the Adder for Trading, I never got on with a Cobra and ended up back in a Viper for ages until I got my Vulture, I was going to buy an Asp, but they released the Diamondback Scout Explorer so I've bought and fully upgraded one of those for more Exploring even though I could now easily afford an upgraded Asp and shot off in to the darkness to get as far away as possible from the Powerplay guff. :D

I have one of those and shot off in it about the same time you did then (to avoid PP). I did pledge to Sirius first. I'm 6.5KLY out and heading hubward (in Discworld lingo).
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