*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
The old thread was enormous, time for a new one.

Although I appreciate it's completely relevant to the discussion, try to keep the insane amount of complaints about the game to yourselves a little bit! Reading the same rants over and over is almost as repetitive as the grind people are complaining about :p

For those of you that want to read the old thread, it can be found here.


Elite: Dangerous home page: http://elite.frontier.co.uk/
Frontier Developments said:
Frontier Developments has launched a Kickstarter UK project “Elite: Dangerous”.

A High-end, Multi-player Sequel to the Classic Open-world Space Trading / Combat Game Featuring Multi-Player and More to be Released Early 2014.

"This is the game I have wanted Frontier to make for a very long time. The next game in the Elite series - an amazing space epic with stunning visuals, incredible gameplay and breath-taking scope, and also fully multi-player." said Frontier founder and CEO David Braben. "Frontier has been working on this project, in the background, for several years now, building a foundation of technology and tools. Imagine what is now possible, squeezing the last drop of performance from modern computers in the way the previous games did in their days? It is not only a question of raw performance, though of course this will make it a gorgeous and incredibly rich experience, but we are pushing the multi-player networking implementation too."

"Kickstarter is great because as long as we hit the threshold, it commits us to making the game." added Braben. "From where we are now, £1.25M/$2M will get us the minimum game based on our tech and artist-directed procedural generation techniques, but I am of course hoping we can get more than that as it will allow us to be even more ambitious and potentially cover other platforms - the community of contributors will be part of the discussion about the specifics of any such decisions."

We’re absolutely committed to working with you on this development. Please, please contribute in any way you can, and help us spread the word – this is a game we’d LOVE to make!!

Kickstarter Link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1461411552/elite-dangerous
Kicktraq trending link: http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/1461411552/elite-dangerous/#chart-exp-trend

Frontier Developments said:
FAQ- Elite: Dangerous

Can you release “Elite” on the (iPhone/iPad/Console/Mac/Linux/Oculus Rift/Raspberry Pi) platform?
Yes. It would be great. The PC version comes first though, and then we will look at the demand for other platforms. If the game exceeds its target, then there will be scope to increase the number of platforms. We will discuss with the backers in the design discussion forum, and how to address the issues that will arise, but I have every hope that we will cover some or all of these platforms. (Link)

Will you have Newtonian physics in the game?
Yes. The degree of the fly-by-wire to override the feeling of skidding is something we will carefully tune.(Link)

Will I be able to speed up time?
No, not in the sense that “Frontier” allowed you to travel huge distances in a short period of time. Instead we plan to use ‘local hyperspace’ travel. This is because time has to stay locked between the players (otherwise multiplayer doesn’t work). (Link)

Will space be blue?
No, it will be black, with a rich, realistic-looking star field and other background objects. The reason I had the background blue in “Frontier” was so that the planets could be seen as dark against a brighter background – but on some people’s screens it looked awful. It was supposed to reflect the rich mass of background stars. (Link)

Will there be a wireframe mode?
No, not planned at least. It is a fun idea but it would destroy the beauty of the game, but if enough wanted it we could consider it as a special ‘cheat’ – as long as there wasn’t a gameplay benefit to those using it.

How will the Star System named after me work? Will there therefore be five star systems with the same name?
For those who get to name star systems or space stations, the name will be your choice, within reason. It does not have to be precisely your name – it could be your nickname or something else (within reason). So if your name were John Smith, it could be Smithworld, John Smith, Smithy’s Station, JS Station, and so on. Some have asked if it could be named after a relative who is no longer with us. All these things are possible. It should be something that isn’t offensive, or legally we cannot use without permission, or has some other problem (so if your name is Coca Cola, then maybe you might want to use your nickname!). If you are naming multiple systems, then we ask that you choose a different variant – so they are not identical. For the star systems there will be scope for a sentence, appearing on the system information in the game – for example “This system was first discovered by the famous explorer John Smith, who came from Paris, Texas, Earth”. This sentence should be no more than about twenty or so words, and should fit the character of the game, and will be agreed with you. If we cannot agree then a standard sentence (like the one given here) will be used.

Will the game be DRM-free?
Yes, the game code will not include DRM (Digital Rights Management), but there will be server authentication when you connect for multiplayer and/or updates and to synchronise with the server.

How does multiplayer work?
You simply play the game, and depending on your configuration (your choice) some of the other ships you meet as you travel around are real players as opposed to computer-controlled ships. It may be a friend you have agreed to rendezvous with here, or it may be another real player you have encountered by chance. All players will be part of a “Pilot’s Federation” – that is how they are distinguished from non-players – so you will be able to tell who is a player and who is a non-player easily.

You will be able to save your position in certain key places (probably just in space stations, but possibly while in hyperspace too, if we feel it is needed). A save-and-quit option will be freely available at those points, as will the subsequent reload, but there will be a game cost for a reload following player death. Your ship will still be intact in the condition it was when the save occurred, but there will be a game currency charge (referred to as an insurance policy) for this. This is to prevent the obvious exploit of friends cooperating and killing each other to get each other’s cargo. If you can’t pay, then it will accumulate as an in-game debt, and the police may chase you!

There are no multiplayer lobbies, and the game will be played across many servers, augmented by peer-to-peer traffic for fast responses. Session creation and destruction happens during the long-range hyperspace countdown and hyperspace effect (which is a few seconds only), so is transparent to the player.

We have the concept of “groups”. They can be private groups just of your friends or open groups (that form part of the game) based on the play styles people prefer, and the rules in each can be different. Players will begin in the group “All” but can change groups at will, though it will be possible to be banned from groups due to antisocial behaviour, and you will only meet others in that group.

How many craft types will you be able to fly?
At least 15 at launch, and we plan to add more after launch.

Will there be missions? What kind of missions will there be? How will they be generated (procedural or scripted)?
Yes. There will be both scripted and procedural missions. Some missions will be implied rather than explicitly signed up to – ie you will simply encounter something and you can choose to engage or not. An example of this is an incoming distress call or a derelict ship. They might be what they seem, or they might not…

The Kickstarter Video

DB talking about procedural generation with some rather nice engine footage.

Update with Screenshots: Higher res images here



Some screen captures from the Kickstarter video because I think that they're worth looking at.

The damage modeling on the Anaconda looks awesome:



An unnamed ship that has a great interior structure shot that looks for all the world like it's designed to be explored (fingers crossed). Possibly a Python?


Some other very nice artwork - cabin interior and a close up of the asteroid base with a couple of Vipers flying by.


I'm looking forward to what Frontier can bring to the game, but I'll admit I haven't played since the Vulture was first introduced. I'm pretty sure I'd be lost among my HOTAS button mapping now!

I think I'll dip in again when there's one more bit of content added - what's next on the agenda for PC now that powerplay's out and the Xbox One announcement has been made?

:edit: Just migrated the information from the previous thread's OP in to this thread. I'm not entirely sure how much of it is relevant now to be honest... but it's there.
Few questions if anyone can be kind enough.

What's the learning curve like?

Does it have a massive key list?

What happens when you total your ship, is there a real money cost in renewing it with insurance or do you just restart from a save?

Please excuse my ignorance but a heads up would be good.
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Few questions if anyone can be kind enough.

What's the learning curve like?

Does it have a massive key list?

What happens when you total your ship, is there a real money cost in renewing it with insurance or do you just restart from a save?

Please excuse my ignorance but a heads up would be good.

Learning curve will depend entirely on your previous experience to be fair, if you've played elite of any sort it will be lower, as will it be if you have any flight sim experience (controls).

There is a massive key list and I do mean massive, you do not need all of it or even anywhere near all of it however.

Insurance is 15% (I think... lol) of ship + modules cost, if you don't have the funds the game will lend you a certain amount, even then you will always have the option of a basic sidewinder...

Hope that helps :D
20% on steam sale. I didn't even know it existed until i saw that lol... Just goes to show how much i keep in touch with gaming these days..

Anyway, loved the original when i was a kid, so may end up buying this.. Don't know if i'll ever find the time to invest... is it really complicated ?
OK, if I buy a Steam key I'll have to register with Frontier anyway. Should Steam go down for some reason will I be able to log into Elite and play without going through steam?
5%?!?! I thought it was way more than that :p

MissChief, I've no idea, but if you buy it direct from FD (it's on sale there too) you wont need steam at all but you can get a steam key attached to the account so you definitely will be able to use both options that way. I'd assume you can play without steam if purchased there but don't know for certain.
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Bought this, and splitting the cost with my 10yr old kid... He's the one who's going to drop hrs and hrs into it... hopefully..... I'll play it for a few hrs in an attempt to rekindle my youth, but in all honesty, i simply don't have enough time to play the likes of Pacman, let alone these sims that demand hrs of your attention !!
Just added Elite to my Steam account using the code given by the elite team for that purpose. Just remembered about it when I saw it in the steam sale.:)
Bought this, and splitting the cost with my 10yr old kid... He's the one who's going to drop hrs and hrs into it... hopefully..... I'll play it for a few hrs in an attempt to rekindle my youth, but in all honesty, i simply don't have enough time to play the likes of Pacman, let alone these sims that demand hrs of your attention !!
Ohhh... Potential for family strife: high.

Don't go scratching his shiney new toys lol :D
If you are just starting out I recommend camping the RES sites (see those large planets with massive rings around em that's what you look for) with decent government ship support. They have fixed the wanted status levels of pirate ships appearing here so you can make a fair amount of cash relatively quickly. (previously only pirates at harmless and mostly harmless appeared but now all sorts can turn up :D)

All you need to do is hit the target once and keep it locked etc and the system defence ships should do the rest. tbh it is maybe too easy now...

Im already up to a Viper (half upgraded) after going from sidey>eagle. I think I will get a bit more cash and upgrade this ship then buy a trade ship but keep the viper for combat.
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I should imagine that running missions is a good way to start these days too, also, for any of you new starters if you look me up in game and I am close I'll happily drop you a few tons of something expensive to help you get started :)
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