*** The Official FIFA 13 Thread ***

are EA even aware the search and auctions are trash?

They're aware of "trade pile issues" according to their Twitter feed. Whether that includes the auction search or not, I don't know.

We're aware of the trade pile issues affecting #FUT13 users. The team is working on it. Thanks for your patience.
I'm kinda enjoying it, playing persistant on the market and getting some great deals, was bidding with someone on Xavi with 3 secs left winning for 50k, he suddenly jumped to 160k, hate to be him :D
Got the game from amazon. Went straight into buying packs. Spent £23.

Best players I got

Pato (will go straight into my serie A team) :cool:
Clichy (goes for a good bit of coin)
Coutinho (92 dribble!)
Akenfev (Russian Keeper)


Rolando :mad:
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This is weird...

Loaded up 13 for the first time, clicked on Ultimate Team, it played the introduction with Martin Tyler blabbering on, went through all of that and played the match against Messi's team, then it asked me to name my club and open my starter pack. It crashed when opening the starter pack and sent me back to the main menu. I tried clicking on Ultimate Team a few more times but got the standard "we are sorry" message. Then it finally lets me into UT and asks me to type the answer to my security question because this device isn't one of my trusted systems... :confused:

So anyway I typed my answer in, it accepted that and now it's asking me to do the whole process of playing the match against Messi's team and naming my club all over again. :mad:

**** OFF.
Got my Ultimate Edition today - does anyone know how the 24 "free" packs will work?? (ie. what day of the week will the pack become available and how do you download/access it?)

I read somewhere that if you don't use that week's pack within a few days you basically lose it!?!?! :confused:
Got my Ultimate Edition today - does anyone know how the 24 "free" packs will work?? (ie. what day of the week will the pack become available and how do you download/access it?)

I read somewhere that if you don't use that week's pack within a few days you basically lose it!?!?! :confused:

If you don't use your free pack that week then you simply lose it, I think you get your free pack by going into the store and you'll see you have 1 pack waiting for you.

Oh, and I've just played the starter match again and it crashed on opening the starter pack, again. EA are idiots, I just want to sit down and play a few games but apparently that's too much to ask. They've had years to get better servers, it was bad enough that the game hasn't even transferred my web app team onto my console despite using the same email address and password as the one on the web app. :confused: :mad:

One of the stats on the main menu:

Players online: 368,561
Players in a Match: 73

Lulz, that's probably because nobody can get into a ******* game.
Now I bet EA are shocked to the core , release day and their servers are really busy:rolleyes:

Been said on here before but it really is shocking how bad EA are considering the size of the company!
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