*** The Official FIFA 13 Thread ***

I said earlier in this thread think 2 up from is the way forward , so if the first touch decides to mess you about you can adopt the one touch passing to the other FWD.

People have been using this against me a lot.

As for defending people where correct on here Chris Smalling is working well for me m just need to find a partner for him as the 2 I have are pants
Killay! What's this I hear about you being on the Xbox?

It's all lies! I've Amazon Primed my copy of FIFA for le puss and it'll be here by Friday! :D

Then will cry when he has no one to play :p

You're mean mister! :(

Oh wait .....:( And the time zones will work out Ok for Kill when he's doing nights:(

Haha you know my schedule scarily well, I only work 12 nights a month so there'll be plenty of gaming time too! :D
Andy you using the 1K a game coins bump?

If my copy arrives tomorrow and I can spend a few Mspoints I'll chuck you a few players to get you on your way.

You helped me with advice this time last year when I first started playing FIFA and your a Yorkshire lad;):p
Where you from diva?

Andy I'll lend you about 12k if/when EA sort this rubbish out? Would have more but Anksy is hoarding it.
3 things tonight

I HATE playing in the rain - it's awful.
I hate adebayor - he's stupidly good
How the hell are some people already playing with neymar/pato/melo/ pace abuse full brazilian teams - must have got very lucky with trading or packs so far.

Actually, playing seasons non stop is an easy way to save up coins. You can make over 10k just by staying in a div twice.

I've made over 30k playing seasons so far and managed to build a pretty good team. Some people on the leaderboard have almsot made 100k in match earnings.

or, lucky packs/good at trading.

I really need to build a second team, hate buying fitness cards. :mad:

Sturridge is such a beast!

Played against him last night and he is just stupid good. 90 pace and a killer left foot. He gave me a nightmare. Not looking forward to play up against BPL teams this year.

Last 3 matches

4-5, 3-4, 0-1

Erm, defending.

4321 I feel like rage selling after one game after building the team all day.

3 at the back formations seem to be the way to go this year. I have a 3412 squad but haven't played around with it much. Was wanting to go 352 but those cards are going for over 1k.

current squad.

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