Navas is crap, far too small and weak for this game.
so Mertens must be crap then! small and weak...
quick question when transfers go through will we see madrid bale and man u fellanini how long does it take before the transfers are online?
Probably to late in Fifa 13 for them to release upgrades now buddy, although id love to know what position there going to release the madrid bale?!
Early access to the web app for Fifa 14 from 15 sept can't wait for that
Is the access based only on your origin account ? Do you need a key to unlock it from a preordered 14?
I've ordered the PS3 version but might just get the PC one for the key and online download the PS3 13 takes an age to load compared to PC version.
I love the graphics on my 24" screen and the xbox controller is more comfortable.
Also want to get an Xbox 1
This is my final squad for this year:
Mata not good enough at defend for a RM in 3 atb formation
Why are people still putting the lowest possible bronze players on their bench to decrease their overall star rating? IT DOESN'T WORK IN TOURNAMENTS.
Yea, because that back 3 and keeper need all the help they can get.
lol, they do!
3421 isn't like 352 with a packed middle! even 352 is weak if your opponent goes down the wings.