We have a digital Presonus desk that has 6 outputs that can feed headphones so all 5 of us plus the sound man can have our own mixes.
If I'm not happy I can signal him from the stage, point at whatever to go up and down, he can switch to what I'm hearing, make adjustments and press the Save button.
I use Soundmagic E10s and I have a superb mix, on Saturday I tried my expensive triple driver Fidue A38s but in that environment they made no difference in quality.
On the last two gigs the drummer decided to use her Roland TD25 electronic kit and it's the first time I've heard a decent electronic kit but it is coming through a 3000 watt PA system.
The problem is because they are silent they need to come up more in my mix but we also have two monitors on stage that pushes a bit of sound out.
Up until a month ago I was going direct into the PA with two Roland keyboards and my Roland GR55 guitar synth but every now and then my in-ears come loose and I'm playing with no foldback so hoping I'm hitting the right notes.
I decided to buy a Laney AH300 which has 5 inputs for my gear but I only use it as a monitor, so my headphone output goes into the amp and then I come out of the amp headphone socket into my in-ears and I have the Laney on a low output which means if my in-ears come loose I've got a monitor.
The headphone output goes into a Behringer P2 which is a little amp that clips to my belt (yes I like it loud).
This setup also means we can have a full band practise and the only sound you hear is our singing while we are full blast in our headphones.
This makes for an amusing sight at a gig because we soundcheck with our headphones and no sound coming through the PA, you can see people confused
Just near the end of the soundcheck the sound man will turn the volume up on the PA for a quick 10 second test.