My vote noise gate wise (and if I were ever to buy one) would be the Fortin Zuul... it's clever in that it has 2 inputs and 2 outputs where one is the actual signal (to be gated) and the other is a "key" which you are meant to pass the dry signal from your guitar (so you'd need to route through a splitter at the start of your chain). This way the gate is controlled using a "pure" signal and can't be confused by the harmonics etc. added by other pedals that come before it. As an added bonus you might as well then take the dry signal and amp it up with a second amp to do the whole wet/dry thing which is very effective
that's not unique I don't think, the NS2 does this provided you run into it early in your chain and use its send-return properly.
the only issue is Boss pedals are buffered which can cause problems with wahs and fuzz where they often need unbuffered signals.
edit: just looked into that Zuul and it's mini version. Expensive but do sound good. And true bypass. yeah that key tracking is useful as you can move this right back in the chain if you need to, but still filter based on original clean signal. Really rather good. Shame it's so expensive!!!
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