***The Official Guitar Thread***

I was quite in to classical/acoustic/finger style stuff when I stayed at my parents, stay in a flat now so can’t make quite as much noise! Bought a Yamaha nylon stringed silent guitar but it’s not quite the same, the neck on it does feel really good tho

this was 12 years ago!

I was quite in to classical/acoustic/finger style stuff when I stayed at my parents, stay in a flat now so can’t make quite as much noise! Bought a Yamaha nylon stringed silent guitar but it’s not quite the same, the neck on it does feel really good tho

this was 12 years ago!

That's pretty good! Not a fan of Bon Jovi, but you get a pass for execution.
cheers! I'm not a Bon Jovi fan but Bad Medicine, Living on Prayer, Bed of Roses and 99 in the shade get played on Planet Rock (have it on all day at work) every now and then and I'll happily listen to them. He has great guitarists and I like guitar music!

the original of that cover...

The solo that Stevie comes up with here is simply amazing. Melodic, fast in places and technically brilliant.

Say what you want about his videos the guy can play. Damn.

Skip to 5 mins 50s for the solo if you don’t want to watch the build up.

I'll happily watch any of Stevie T's videos, remember binge watching his vids after appearing in YT recommended a few years ago... think the hate comes from him acting the goat and folk who instantly dislike something because it's technical/fast kind of playing...'he doesn't play with feeling, man' etc

don't think he ever uses an amp either...always plugins, dunno if that's true for lots of Youtube guitar channels but something I noticed
How bizarre, I just came in the thread to post and earlier tonight I download a plugin from Stevie T - it works great (it's the one with the cardboard graphics lol!)

Anyway, posting here in the hope that putting myself on blast gives me the motivation to follow through for once. I fired up Rocksmith on a whim the other day to mess around in the Session Mode and after that I was having a quick go on a few of the tracks for old time's sake and there it was - Cemetery Gates... Have always wanted to try and learn the solo but always avoided it because (confession time) I just have never really learned how to do any extremely fast bits in solos. I'm not going to use Rocksmith to learn it I don't think but hopefully will keep at it until I can play it.

The whole song including most of the solo is pretty easy and I already have down, so it's just the two main fast parts in the solo (the bit after the interesting whole step bend up then raise semitone bend down type bit) and the bit which comes just after that "classic" pentatonic repeating pattern around the bend on 16th fret of G string and the almost tapped sounding bit (though I know it's not) on the big stretch to the high frets. Previously trying to learn bits like that I learn and memorise the notes but I can never quite seem to "get" the correct note groupings or feeling and so it never sounds right to me (then I get demotivated and give up lol). Unsure if I just have to keep practicing until it clicks or if I need to do something different but I am hoping to stick at this one :D
I’m gonna go listen to Cemetery Gates, no familiar with the solo at all...altho I get Cemetery Gates and A tout le monde by Megadeth mixed up a lot...if one comes on the radio I’m never sure what one it’s gonna be until the soft intro bit is over! Well...more Cemetery Gates cod the singing starts later...

For the hard/fast bits in solos you need to break them down in to chunks and play them slow... even if it’s just 2 or 3 notes at 30% speed to get the timing etc right

someone mentioned LP’s being dad rock in this thread a while ago.... :D
The thing I found useful for learning to nail a solo like that is to track down a few different live versions of it, as well as using the original audio. It can be really helpful if you get a couple of good shots of their hands during the tricky bits to see what they're actually doing. For the faster stuff it can be a night and day difference in difficulty if you are trying to play the line and you have the wrong place on the neck / wrong string grouping / wrong picking direction or not knowing where to pick and where to hammer/pull.

A lot of the time the notation/tabs you find online even if they have the right notes can be garbage for that kind of stuff. Having grown up trying to learn Marty Friedman and Vai solos pre internet/youtubes it's been v cool when i've revisited any of that and suddenly having access to all this footage of them playing.

Good luck with it.
Cheers for the tips - yes I've got loads of footage of it being played to choose from! I'm quite comfortable moving things around to find alternate positions to play something in if the tab is wrong also (as you say - it's often the case)

I have the notes for the first "fast" bit memorised now and I can already rattle through them pretty quickly - it just doesn't yet sound like the song. This is probably around where I would normally start to feel like I'm not going to get it and end up moving on but instead I think I'm going to keep listening and watching and try to identify the notes amongst all the mess that need to be emphasised and how it fits into the bars/timing of the whole thing. I may also just try quickly recording myself playing that bit because perhaps it just sounds off to me as I'm concentrating on playing it, but hearing it back it might sound closer than I think
Hmm... struggling a bit to work out what notes are correct now - it seems like every cover/tutorial I can find on the solo play it slightly differently. Have been trying to study live footage of the man himself playing it but it's not particularly good quality to be able to see his fingers well. Anybody got a good ear and want to weigh in? :D
dammit - I need to learn this now!

I could never figure the fast bits by ear but this lesson seems pretty accurate


there's a few differences in fingering/positions compared to this live vid... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oltcOK-S9Wk

at 14s he stays on the b string doing that descending chromatic part - in the lesson vid he changes strings and stays on the higher frets

at 20s he's doing that at the 7th fret on the e and b strings - catching the prebend 8th fret on the b with his pinky - in the lesson vid he does it on the g and b strings and taps the prebent note with his right hand

Something else I saw mentioned on YouTube covers/lessons is the tuning...not a full half step down...somewhere between standard and tuned down a half step....if you set your tuner to 434Hz and tune to standard....if you google it it mentions Rocksmith uses 434 for the song so maybe can just use the tuner in Rocksmith?
will spend some time later trying the faster bits!
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Yeah definitely some differences in that vid, as you say. Doing the bend w/ prebend release bit on the g higher up feels like a better position overall from a purely playing perspective, but clearly Dime plays it on the b and to my ear there's some sort of harmonic quality or something to playing it there which makes it sound much better

I have the first fast legato bit pretty much there now I think (or at least the version of it I have decided sounds about right) - just need to work on getting it up to speed and play it over the song enough times to get the timing right. The second fast bit I am yet to remember all the notes but shouldn't be long now I hope
Okay I think I've got the Cemetery Gates solo, actually didn't take as long as I thought it would to get it down - makes me feel bad for all those times I gave up on fast solos too soon :p Might be time to revisit some more
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