The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Just under 5k. I had a bad run. They really need to fix some balance issues. Lightfang Enforcer needs to either be Tier 6 or be removed from the game, because you have to really suck to lose if you're the first person to get it. And some heroes need rebalancing as well - Wagtoggle and Pyramad are basically "grats on your 8th place", while Deryl and Brann are insanely good.
Just under 5k. I had a bad run. They really need to fix some balance issues. Lightfang Enforcer needs to either be Tier 6 or be removed from the game, because you have to really suck to lose if you're the first person to get it. And some heroes need rebalancing as well - Wagtoggle and Pyramad are basically "grats on your 8th place", while Deryl and Brann are insanely good.
yeah, agree on a few counts. i never bother buying lightfang though. he's only a 2/2 so feels like a weak minion. im sure they'll balance stuff again soon enough. its had a few balances and heros/minions removed/added.

its a great mode i think. ive gone off ranked as theyve now added back in some old HOF cards which basically turns it into wild mode.
Lightfang isn't a 2/2. He's a realistic minimum of 6/6 in stats, going as high as 10/10, and that increases by +4-8 on both sides every turn you keep him. Two rounds of Lightfang with two Amalgams in play is equivalent to putting an extra Deathwing into play.
I've seen the weirdest thing today, i was facing a tier 4 galywax and somehow he had a tier 6 foe reaper at start. HOW?!?

EDIT: i just forgot about shifter.. that lucky mofo :P
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I keep seeing your name pop up on my batylenet friend thinking. Who is this guy? Where did I add his from?
Finally answered. :p

I actually wanted to come back to this but it's been so long. Not sure where to start :(
I keep seeing your name pop up on my batylenet friend thinking. Who is this guy? Where did I add his from?
Finally answered. :p

I actually wanted to come back to this but it's been so long. Not sure where to start :(
Not much has changed really if you played a decent amount of it before.

Just obviously new cards etc. Worth checking hstopdecks or hearthpwn to get some decks and just playing with them.

I disenchant all my old legendarys (ones that have gone to wild) to get enough dust for new cards etc.

It's still my go to game although I mainly play on mobile these days for convenience.
I need some pointers. I started playing a lot of Battlegrounds lately and after the last patch, everything has gone to ****. Before I was climbing steadily. Loss some, win some, sometimes RNG was a ***** but that's life. Now after the patch everything is messy and I would say almost unfair. I lose "80% to win" matches all the time. My backline is snipped over and over and if I move a critical minion, it still gets snipped over and over.

In the meantime, my minions like to follow the standard left to right attack and very rarely go on a hunting expedition for the backline. I've dropped around 600 MMR since the patch from 6300 to 5700 and am continuing to drop apparently. I'm glad I'm not playing poker at this point :P.

Been playing a bit with a friend who has been experiencing the exact same thing, he did alright before patch and after everything went down the drain.
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