*** The Official iOS 14 Thread ***

What widgets are people using? It seems a bit messy that you have widgets and separate widgets (when you swipe left from the home screen.
I only use the Home page; I have the battery widget at the top. Then 12 apps.

I just use spotlight similar to the way I use my mac, quicker, easier and cleaner imo

The left page I have;

Calander - Weather
Google maps - with ETA to home and work
Traffic in area
Stocks with my returns
What widgets are people using? It seems a bit messy that you have widgets and separate widgets (when you swipe left from the home screen.

This is my left screen so to speak. Like to keep it simple :)

Just came looking for a podcast app. Never had any issues with the apple app, but the last update is unusable for me. Just trying to delete stuff is a chore. It's getting a right slating when I looked online trying to find how you delete all the episodes it has added. Can't believe how bad it is now. Will give Overcast a try.
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