-=The Official NetSoccer Tournament=-

gord you claimed my brother :p team4 arnt you?

Seems so many teams are men down at the moment. I think if teams can only get 4 players then they should still play. I dont think its possible to get every person online at the same time :p
benjo said:
gord you claimed my brother :p team4 arnt you?

Seems so many teams are men down at the moment. I think if teams can only get 4 players then they should still play. I dont think its possible to get every person online at the same time :p

Weve got sniffy, he said his team arnt playing so i assume thats ok?

Just like to see, 21:00 Team 4 vs Team 3... who wants to host? Any team 3 members with good connections?

team 1 is dead aswell then? :(
sniffster you playing for team 1 or subbing for us?

join me on msn if your gonna play for us, robertcsmith26 at hotmail.com
Team1 gets my brother, and yes he has played before :)

Team3 vs Team4 is commencing now xD

Whats the password gonna be for team1's game?
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