-=The Official NetSoccer Tournament=-

im in

but........ it depends when games are played as i only have net at a weekend now :/ damn work

no worries if i have to sit it out ill still join you lot in random servers (and hopefully not go afk :p )
Im crap, but in - thank god for ps3ud0-random number generator - got a chance not to be picked last ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
A friend (BrutalSam) who was playing with us on the OCUK server last night said he's up for it. Can you put his name down too?
Will do :)

The rest of the people that want in will have to be subs :p

Roduga, the player list is in my OP. Wanna add me to msn so we can sort the teams? [email protected]
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Nooo! That'll teach me to go out on a Saturday night!

Can i be in?

I could host a server for a game or two again. Seemed to run quite smoothly when i hosted those first games yesterday?

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