-=The Official NetSoccer Tournament=-

Err just noticed something...

This sunday, matches.. 8pm

Thats going to conflict with my TopGear religious rituals as they start again this weekend... im afraid TopGear overrrides all other activities so i wont be here from 8-9pm.
How about if move 9pms matches and 10pms matches to 11pm ?

Not sure whether people want to play at 12pm though :p
Ooooo forgot about Top Gear :D. Netsoccer may be addictive and all but Top Gear is on a plateu of its own I'm afraid ;) .

*EDIT* - I'll play at 9pm and 11pm instead though :D.
Sorry to people in team 6.

I have recently started a new job and havn't really had time for the internet.

When I get into a routine at work and get settled I will be able to play.

Thanks and sorry

Since it seems apparent that hr18/kr18 isnt going to show up (I have posted a few times looking for him :p) would someone want to help us in Team5 to make up numbers?

Obviously being available on Monday and Tuesday is essential and being better than me is a given ;)

Just post here or grab one of Team5 on MSN Msgr if required :D

What about your bro Benjo - seems to be helping out here or there?!?


ps3ud0 :cool:
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Cool that was easy :)

Coln we will see you on the pitch - no doubt Ill be on over the weekend - grab me on msn whenever :)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Eeek need another now for the first couple of matches if thats ok - until Frosti is back (lol just noticed last game is at 9pm :()...

May need to resort to begging soon :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Cheers mate - my msn is in my trust - drop me a line when youre around ready for tonight - Ill be around by 7.15pm...

Hopefully we will have 5 for tonight (fingers crossed)

ps3ud0 :cool:
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