-=The Official NetSoccer Tournament=-


Righty, i've chosen the "Captains" from each team.

Team1 - sniffy
Team2 - m1ke
Team3 - Roduga/Spunj
Team4 - gord
Team5 - Frosti

If anyone doesn't want to just let me know. I'll change it. If your happy then can you give me your msn/email so you can let me know when you and your team are avaliable.
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I put my name down ages ago but didn't make the team.

Can I still play in the team?
Roduga said:
One more player and the Wildcard team is go. :cool:

Yep, R^T your in the extra team, we just need one more play and we've got a full team.

Zacko: Team1 vs Team2 tomorrow at 22:00
Yeh a TS server would be good if anyones got one lying around. Of course it depends on whether people want to use it :p

Righty, we just need to get team1 + team2 ready to play tomorrow
Can my team [team 4 and yes its now mine :p] add me to msn please. :)

robertcsmith26 at hotmail dot com
James Bond

Can you guys confirm that the time is ok for our first match? Also, everyone have MSN?
Count me in - If I still can be counted in.
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