Hi there
Spot on!
Guidelines are if you can see it on daytime TV, the beach, the gym, billboards, TV adverts, magazines, swimming pool, lingerie section of catalogues etc. then yes it is indeed family friendly and fine on these forums.
Ace Modder likes em manly, itseems
Ace Modder likes em manly, itseems
Angelina Jolie at 16 (So wrong, yet so right!)
She can't be 16 there, she looks just as old as she does now but in a polka dot dress
She can't be 16 there, she looks just as old as she does now but in a polka dot dress
at the risk of starting a controversy, does this mean we can have the random picture thread back? i'd prefer that than this carp to be honest lol
She can't be 16 there, she looks just as old as she does now but in a polka dot dress
That's probably her nearer to 16[/QUOTE]
Correct, as Morthoseth's last post pointed out ;). Not that I had an unhealthy obsession with Miss Jolie at any point or anything...