*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition ***

Hi Macca,

Email winging its way over. Do let me know if anything's not in order as it's my inaugural effort.


I'm really struggling with Draught\Draft, there aren't that many named that way for buying in bottles\cans. I'm not drinking until Christmas so popping down the local isn't going to happen, although will it count if I'm buying the round but the beer is for a mate?
From the guys from previous competitions is it just the same email but @gmail.com instead of @live.co.uk?

I can't seem to find the email. My wife's just said were out for tea so gonna have to find something last minute as not gonna get home in time to take a pic of my entry :(
Really sorry guys, I'm going to fall at the first hurdle.
Family emergency and I'm just not going to have time to get to the shops.
Good luck everyone and hopefully I'll be back for next week.
KC yes I have it I must insist of bribes of cleavage for entry :)

Are you sure, it will end up something like this.



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