*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Sorry my bad. I checked the back if the console and it's made in japan however on the side it's china. Must be a china one.

thanks for the reply.

I also think a few UK people must have mistakenly thought their PS4s are "Made in Japan" too, there are a few people reporting in forums like the official playstation forum and NeoGAF, but when asked where they've bought it from, or show some photos, those users usually don't reply, I tried to private message a guy on the official PS forum who said he got the Mega bundle from gameseek which he said made in Japan but he didn't reply to me either.

there are a couple of ways to tell where your PS4 is made, 1) it should say at the bottom of the outer box, 2) it should say at the bottom of the PS4 (not the side), I think some people are reporting the "Designed and Engineered by SCE in Japan" part, which is incorrect.

and thanks to aen0 from neogaf, here's abit of info he wrote:

FYI, they are two different factories for the "Made in China" model.

One from Hongfujin Yantai (mostly the USA got this version)
One from Foxconn (abbreviated FOX on the back plate)

Hongfujin: http://i.imgur.com/5ABcEKa.jpg (found it on Google)
Fox : http://i.imgur.com/FvYVimU.png (mine)
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In case anyone else needs to order the cable, I just purchased it for £4.99 via TurtleBeach's help line as advised in their support email above.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Nice one Kreeeee, just ordered 2 of these bad boys.

Hopefully it will arrive by Wednesday when I get my replacement PS4!
Damn weekend was gone soooo fast

War thunder got me in..
Never played it on pc but its allot of fun and frustration on console.
Menus are VERY confusing tho.

Anyone knows how to change game mode it joins you to ??
Atm i am doing square play... I wish i could change if i want domination or dogfight sort of server. Anyone knows if its even possible.

Not to mention this game is hard as hell for person that have not been playing on pad for 2 years.. VERY HARD !!!!
I looked on the store yesterday (from the PS4) and the games were £52.99. From the web store they were 54.99 for same games.

Not sure if this is an error?

Still waiting for mine from amazon, supposed to be after release date but before crimbo.... ahhhh hurry up amazon plzzz

They are selling for silly prices now on ebay, i bet some people are making an absolute killing from pre ordering loads of em.

I'm with you on that front, awaiting the gamer pack with killzone, extra controller, & the camera. Only ordered on 14/11/13 but have been told should be before 25th Dec.
Damn weekend was gone soooo fast

War thunder got me in..
Never played it on pc but its allot of fun and frustration on console.
Menus are VERY confusing tho.

Anyone knows how to change game mode it joins you to ??
Atm i am doing square play... I wish i could change if i want domination or dogfight sort of server. Anyone knows if its even possible.

Not to mention this game is hard as hell for person that have not been playing on pad for 2 years.. VERY HARD !!!!
Is that the main game that crashes? I noticed nickbee was saying he was experiencing others but now Ive spent more time on it Ive not had a single CTD yet at all and Ive jumped between a fair few games - surrpised how easy that has all been really

What missing features are we waiting for? Just the resume feature? I really want them to allow publishing to Youtube and have access to screenshots via USB or something...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah it's just the campaign I haven't tried the MP yet. Going to rattle through the SP and then crack on with some MP. Back to work tomorrow though. :(
Question Re saved games.. if I replace my HDD in a few months willI loose all my saved game progress?
Anyone else suffering with the R1 button sticking like this? I've got it so I'm going to send it back to amazon.

Yea mine's playing up a bit too so I got in touch with amazon and they tried to fob me off to Sony, so I let them know that I know what the sales of goods act was and they were a bit more co-operative.

She said she'd be happy to swap it out when stock of consoles come in so I said that stock is low .etc, and asked for a partial refund....got £49 for a new controller and get to keep the "possibly" dodgy one! :o
I was lucky enough to be sent a free PS4 by a supplier of mine for all the business I've given him over the year.....came with Killzone which im not massively fond of, although im playing it just so I can play the PS4 lol

So im really looking forward to some new games coming out.....like Metal Gear and the New Final Fantasy over the next year or so.

Having to have my PS3 still sitting there for media streaming is quite annoying.....hope its patched in soon, as I still use my fat 60GB model and its HUGE!
any news on Dayz coming to PS4 ??? heard that it was more likely on the ps4 rather than the xbone but thats all thats been said so far

Really?? I hope this is true I have always wanted to play this game soooooo bad but I dont PC game at all. If this true I will be over the bloody moon :)
Ok I can see this 500gb drive becoming a real issue for a lot if people. I only have 250gb left. Good job it's upgradable
The bundled copy will likely be a disc, but may well be marked up as 'Not for Sale separately' or similar, a la Killzone bundled games.....no barcode on, so selling on *might* be tricky in trade-in terms - private will be fine, of course

Ideal...my mates was saying it's worth a playthrough but don't think I'll bother personally :p
The PS4 needs Driveclub bad. I need Driveclub bad. I do love War Thunder, BF4 and KZ but I just sat there thinking to myself I could really do with a good driving game to thrash a few cars on .

Oh and BF4 keeps crashing on MP :(
The PS4 needs Driveclub bad. I need Driveclub bad. I do love War Thunder, BF4 and KZ but I just sat there thinking to myself I could really do with a good driving game to thrash a few cars on .

Oh and BF4 keeps crashing on MP :(

Could always give Need for Speed: Rivals a go.....I have it, and actually quite like it :eek:
So twice now out of the many times I have started it from standby it started with absolutely no audio at all and wouldn't have any until I restarted it. Anybody else have this issue? Hopefully it's just something that can be fixed via firmware update :)

Sorry if this has been posted or asked already, not seen it myself.
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