*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Fanboys of one particular console brand really make me laugh. It's all about the games or so it should be anyway. Once a console has some games I really want to play then I'll buy it. I don't care less who makes the thing.

Completely agree.

I bought both consoles because there are games on both that I want to play. I also kept my gaming laptop because there acertain games that I would prefer to play on the PC (BF series etc).

As long as I am enjoying the game I couldn't give a rats ass who made the system (unless we are talking about the Dreamcast, I love the Dreamcast :p).
Is anyone else serioulsy addicted to WarThunder??

Free to play and my GOD so much fun :)

I also uploaded my first shared video to Facebook, quality isn't all that bad.
Its just annoying it aske you to put a title and then some comments, but when it go's to facebook they dont get added.
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Just checked on my Amazon order for the Gamer Pack and still says "we need a little more time etc." but interestingly on the actual advert it says they're getting more stock on the 11th December. Wonder if that's when I'll get mine.
Just checked on my Amazon order for the Gamer Pack and still says "we need a little more time etc." but interestingly on the actual advert it says they're getting more stock on the 11th December. Wonder if that's when I'll get mine.

Excellent news, hopefully that's when I get mine. Cannot wait. Already got BF4 & AC Black Flag through black Friday $$ deals.
The reason i am PS fanboy is because i had 2 xbox 360's and both of them broke. Now i have had around 9-10 consoles all my life and the 360 was the only console i ever had problems with. I still play my N-64 from time to time and the Xbox just really let me down. I have had all PS since the 1st one and i have never had 1 problem with any of them.

I didn't just decide to be a PS fanboy for the sake of it i would only buy an Xbox if it was a better console which it is not so i am happy to save 125 Euro and get the better system!
Picked up BF4 the other day and I think I already have you on my friends list - I will probably be on later in the week and would be up for that. :D

Yep defo, let me know when you're up for it. As payback for letting you die 100x going "he's to your left!!" I'll let you whup me at FIFA.
About to upgrade to 1TB SSD, thought I may as well put it to use as it's just here doing nothing :p. Rather get it out of the way now than later, while there isn't a ton of data to transfer..

Just hope moving the console doesn't trigger off that HDMI fault lol. Once I've done this hopefully won't need to touch PS4 again until PS5 :-D
So what is this WarThunder all about? Is it Free 2 Play? If so can you buy a version which unlocks more things? I'm mainly blocked from most sites at work so can't check :(
Just checked on my Amazon order for the Gamer Pack and still says "we need a little more time etc." but interestingly on the actual advert it says they're getting more stock on the 11th December. Wonder if that's when I'll get mine.
Just spotted that myself. Hopefully that means everyone who has an order in already will get theirs pretty soon after the 11th.
with the videos uploaded to Facebook - can I save them from there locally and then re-host maybe at Youtube or something?

also images, im assuming I can capture an image - does this work the same way?
I didn't just decide to be a PS fanboy for the sake of it i would only buy an Xbox if it was a better console which it is not so i am happy to save 125 Euro and get the better system!

I'm sorry, but it sounds like you did just decide for the sake of it. Lots of people, myself included, had 2 or more broken 360s. As technology improves and gets more powerful, it means there are more components that can go wrong (as shown with both XB1 and PS4 having various issues at launch). I would never let a broken console or two colour my opinions for the rest of time.
So what is this WarThunder all about? Is it Free 2 Play? If so can you buy a version which unlocks more things? I'm mainly blocked from most sites at work so can't check :(

Think Planetside/ WoT etc - its free, BUT micro transactions/membership will reward you

As for the game, its WW2 plane fighting? Seems to be anyhow. I installed it, but setting up the account and then having to do a tutorial put me off. I cant fly as it is, so id rather die at the hands of a human, than multilpe times in a tutorial :D
So what is this WarThunder all about? Is it Free 2 Play? If so can you buy a version which unlocks more things? I'm mainly blocked from most sites at work so can't check :(

Its WW2 planes, it will have tanks and ships going forward, but the planes alone are brilliant, its realistic so if you try to turn to fast at high speed you begin to black out lol.
The damage on the planes are pretty cool and you can fly back to base to repair and re-arm and dofights are pretty hairy, would be brilliant with a few mates on working together.

Got the bomber last night was such fun as you can change view to the rear gunner which seems to surprise most fighters lol

They will be adding more to this as it progress, as you level up you get access to better planes, I have my eyes set on the Spitfire :)

Also you can upgrade your Planes with better armor and better fire power.

For a free game its pretty Damn good :)
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I'm sorry, but it sounds like you did just decide for the sake of it. Lots of people, myself included, had 2 or more broken 360s. As technology improves and gets more powerful, it means there are more components that can go wrong (as shown with both XB1 and PS4 having various issues at launch). I would never let a broken console or two colour my opinions for the rest of time.

I was actually planning on getting the next gen Xbox until E3 came along. Everybody jumped on the PS bandwagon then and most of my friends were switching from Xbox to PS. I think PS are better made consoles and it is the better gaming console after all.

How would u not expect me to let 2 broken consoles colour my judgement in the future? It's like if i had 2 LG tv's within a few years and they broke, i would most likely avoid that brand in the future seeing as i had a bad experience with them i think that is perfectly normal. I got a PS4 didn't break i'm happy.
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