Never played Days Gone first time around, worth it?
Am I right in thinking it's an open worldy zombie fest? I'd be up for that.
They're 'freakers' apparently.... basically zombies, but iirc, the Devs got a bit touchie about calling them zombies; there also seemed to be some (faux or otherwise) outrage about the race of these zombies
The game, for me, was really hard to finish - I tried about 3 or 4 times to get into it; and every time it lasted a few hours at most, before I just deleted it. I couldn't put an exact finger on it, but it just wasn't very good; your character is pretty unlikable, he also won't shut up - all throughout the game he's mumbling to himself in various situations, worse when in combat.
The story just felt a bit meh, it had a few veins to it, but it was all pretty much the same thing. The only slightly fun bit, was to hoardes - but once you'd done a couple of them, you ended up not bothering (or at least I did).
I unlocked a silenced M4 rifle doing something, quite enjoyed using that against enemy camps etc, but the whole bike thing wasn't really all it was cracked up to be - even now you see people talking about the handling and impact it has on the game; it's simply not that much of a 'thing'. Upgrades and whatnot are ok, the only real impact they have is being able to be slightly better at outrunning zombie animals - I never saw a tangible difference between the loude and quiet pipes mind you.
I can see why it wasn't well received - a classic case of style over substance