If you want to talk tech then at least get a presenter with enthusiasm who can spice things up. No idea why they would start it like this, we get it, load times will be much improved as you've moved on from 20 year old HDDs...
Any comparisons against the Xbox yet?
yeah, sorry about that. I might take a look myself as I don’t think I will see the end of this. The rona will have wiped us all out by the time he’s done, and tbh, I’d be quite relieved!yes but I got told off for comparing earlier
Yeah lot of people are too focused on one brand, I will be getting which ever offers the best gaming.yes but I got told off for comparing earlier
This is supposed to be a tech talk for developers. I bet 90% of the viewers are asleep now.
The shadow people freak me out tbhI hope one of these silhouettes pops one on his chin.
It's like trying to re-market the wheel, at the end of the day Microsoft and Sony are just doing their shopping in the same place (AMD) so it's more of an evolution than a revolution.
This entire presentation seems pointless. Gamers don't care and the tech community and developers already know so who's this actually aimed at?