One they shut down just prior and one shut itself down during.31 engines out of 33 apparently, 2 shut down at some point during the fire, impressive!
I wonder how much it altered The Earth's orbit? It was only an infinitesimal amount, but Newton does says it was altered. Would be interesting to see the numbers.17 million pounds of thrust, houses 10 miles away were shaking
One assumes there must be a rationale, they are after all the ones operating the Worlds most successful launch platform and building it's behemoth bigger brother. I doubt the reason is "duh! I didn't think of that". But at first glance it isn't obvious.
Is that line you plan on using this Valentine's Day?
Is that line you plan on using this Valentine's Day?
It can only be because its cheaper. Falcon 9 39A pad has a flame trench.
From what I’ve read, it’s because Starbase is built at sea level and there’s no spare elevation to build a flame trench because it would be below the water-line. Cape Canaveral doesn’t have this issue as the whole thing is elevated. If it ends up becoming a problem for SpaceX I don’t know what they’ll do, but I’d like to think the engineers have known about it for a long time…
17 million pounds of thrust, houses 10 miles away were shaking