** The Official Space Flight Thread - The Space Station and Beyond **

Don't get me wrong. The animation telemetry is fine and dandy, just surprised there isn't live video telemetry. In the grand scheme of things, I would be stunned if the lack was due to cost considering the benefit it can provide alongside telemetry data from sensors / alerts. Perhaps the vehicle really does not have the capability to stream such data!
I've always watched Everyday Astronauts stream or one of the other restreams, so it never really bothered me.

The booster soft water landed was fantastic. Just got external cameras back as well for starship.

I find him irritating after a while. Watching NSF steam but i preferred just watching SX stream with just their commentary.
I have no idea if all that sparking/colour is from the heatshield ablating or the structure burning :eek:

Edit : Looks like it was the structure burning thats incredible footage!
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