The ***OFFICIAL*** Supreme commander thread. (video inside)

11 Mar 2004
LARGE TRAILER 300mb Uber Quality


All the Above require VLC player, especially if your an Nvidia user, (its better than Quicktime anyway.) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD .

given this will probably be one of the last major games under DX9 i have to say, what a hell of a way to end a graphics generation :D :D

New Screenshots as of July 2006
Duke said:

EDIT 26*10*2006

ok folks... im on the beta testers and have the game here :D what would you like to see / know ?? :)
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Zirax said:
Really looking forward to this now having seen those vids. The multiple monitor with real time battles happening on both of them really appeals. Just hate to think of a gfx card that is going to be able to handle that. Especially on dual 19" monitors :D

from what ive read, there will be various options for dual monitor usage from using the secondary as a map and radar viewer, i.e. youl get the dots and the map and the zoom function which obviously puts a lot less stress on the GPU right through to the fully 3d modeled second battle screen. heres hoping my X1800XT 512 will still be enough when it comes out :(
nade said:
*drools* Roll on it's release date :D

I've always been a huge fan of the original TA and the Core Contigency pack. Makes me want to fire up an old PC and have a go :D

why would you need an old PC ???

my spec :

Opteron 146 @ 2.7 Ghz
X1800XT 512mb
2 X 1 gig of corsair XMS ram
19" tft

and ive been playing Total Annihilation (or TA as i call it) at least once every fortnight since 1997. Hell when boneyards was up i was a Core Commander. ;)

so no need for a low tech pc to play, infact if you use the TAUIP modification and the 5000 unit patch, youl find it stresses a modern pc to breaking point :eek:
Sem said:
i REALLY cant wait for this

cant belive it took them so long tbh

well, cavedog were bought out by infrogrames who licenced the developement of Total Annihilation 2 to Phantagram game developement, (an asian gaming company) which basically cut out Chris taylor.

Phantagram ran into financial trouble and infrogrames were bought out by atari wo shelved the TA 2 project.

and now you know why it took so long :) personally im happy it did, with the technology we have today, AND with chris Taylor back with his own company making it, i couldnt ask for more.
nade said:
What OS you running? I've never actually tried installing it on XP or Win2000. I just assumed it wouldn't be compatible.

I remember buying TA:Kingdoms and being so very disapointed! :mad: But this looks amazing :)

I was thinking of upgrading my CPU and GFX card this summer, but i'm gonna wait right up until S.C. is released to get the best value for money ;)

ta kingdoms was terrible... but then i dont think chris taylor was too involved with that, he was well on his way to doing Dungeon seige.

ive got an opty 146 and an X1800XT 512mb crossfire master. come january i will either upgrade to an opty 160 and XXX graphics card or junk my pc and build from scratch, either way i will have a nice upgrade for Supreme Commander.
Kreeeee said:
In a lot of ways. TA was a good game but it was very far from perfect.

just as starcraft was far from perfect. i cant count how many times a group of us had to surrender when playing multi player Starcraft becasue we simply ran out of resources :rolleyes: no such trouble with TA. TA also had physics in the form of gravity and weather condtions and was the first RTS to impliment the use of polygons.

Kreeeee said:
It's out 2007. TA was released in the same year as StarCraft so it had a lot to compete against.

starcraft came out a year later.

April 1, 1998

go look the games up on wikipedia, youl find TA has about 3 pages of info listed and Starcrafts got about 3 paragraphs if that. :p
Lostcorpse said:
any idea if the game will feature a multiplayer replay feature?

i believe so, you can also complete the single player campaign with other people!! :) so it stands to reason that you would be able to save.
Kreeeee said:
I guess some people prefer the simpler mass and attack approach.

there is no simple gameplay in Total Annihilation :confused: its got twice the ammount of ground units of starcraft and 3 times as many planes and they are all perfectly balanced against the other sides.

its also got a hell of a lot more mods available for it.

The online TA community was brilliant until boneyards closed, then it became decentralised and had no focal point. Boneyards was a legendary online gaming system and a first for RTS. there was always a minimum of 60 people online playing in the wee hours of the morning :)

these days people use a website called phoenix worx, theres always at least 30 people on it and they have tried to make it look like Boneyardss as best they can.

Kreeeee said:
I'm suprised the TA community impressed you but the SC one did not :S.

the community was impressive, and its called south Koreas "national sport" but the game itself just didnt interest me too much, and i have played it allot... very little air combat, no Long range cannons, no physics (gravity, wind, ect ect) not much of a choice of defencive weapons, no dragons teeth, no minimap radar display, no sharing team line of site or team resources (you could give resources manually but thats abit crappy) No naval vessels,

Starcraft also had no whiteboard function as in TA you can actually draw on the map with your mouse pointer and your allies can see it, it allows you to draw attack patterns and points of entry to better co-ordinate an assault when playing team games, or simply to mark important buildings.
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CossackNoodle said:
Looks very good but i dont like hype :(

lol... this isnt hype... most of the good stuff and features Chris Taylor wont even speak about incase the final game has to ship without some of them. currently everything you see you will get, that way there are no dissapointments.
Firegod said:

Can't wait!!! Now do I buy 2x 19" screens just for this game or one large 22" screen. :p

ive already bought a second TFT for it, i have the 19" main screen and secondary 17" TFT

Combat squirrel said:
What are people on about 2monitors ? Does this game let you play across 2 monitors ? :eek: WOULD BE AWESOME!

the principal stems from Total Annihilation, Chris taylor wanted to use 2 screens back then, 1 for the main battle and one for radar imagery, but the technology to do it (Dual head) was expensive and the hard ware to use it was not wide spread.

These days of course, dual head is pretty much standard. so youl be able to run 2 different battles, 1 on each screen, personally i will be using my 17" tft for the radar and reconnaissance information and selecting the main battles to be displayed which will then come up on my 19" tft.

ive been playing total annihilation at least 3 times a month, every month, since 1997. my battlefield 2 clan started out playing TA 4 years back and way before that i was a Boneyards Core Commander on Cavedogs original boneyards multiplayer TA system.
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Kreeeee said:
Bah stop posting about it!

Kreeeee said:

I think people are REALLy overestimating the required spec though.

indeed, besides i think the games going to be fairly scalable but for those who can manage top notch graphics and two monitors, were in for some real good eye candy.
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