***The Official Telltale Games Thread***

12 Sep 2013
As a big fan and owner of just about all there releases I wanted to start a thread as a place to put news and info on Telltales games, current and upcoming.

The Telltale site:

Today I learnt of a Walking Dead miniseries that releases on the 23rd of February 2016. Currently available on Steam pre-order for under a tenner (one of the only companies I happily pre-order from).

As well as The Waling Dead, Michonne story we also have Season 2 of The Game of Thrones and a new Batman series to look forward to in 2016 as well as expecting confirmation of the continuation of other popular stores they have done to date.
What are you looking forward too? Any favourites?
I like the Telltale games but in my opinion Life Is Strange kicked the crap out of them. I can't wait to see what they do next.

That's interesting as I didn't enjoy Life is Strange, But I only played the first episode, and I didn't complete that, I found it boring and never went back to it, I've read good things about it though so I do plan on trying again as hopefully I'll prefer later episodes

I'm looking forward to GoT season two...on Steam. I still haven't finished season one because the Telltale client is such a mess.

It's been fine on Steam although I did have issue on AMD graphics, It was fine for 5 episodes but episode 6 looked like everything had thick black felt-tip lines drawn around it, Thankfully it's now fixed so I got to finish what was an enjoyable chapter and I'm also looking forward to season 2 now.
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I completely loved the wolf among us, hoping for a sequel .

Good game, I never did work out why I couldn't get my Steam achievements to 100% though, I haven't unlocked all the fable entries in episodes 3,4 &5. I went back to do those episodes and did several reruns of episode 3 but couldn't complete it so I gave up with it at 91%. I must go back and look again.
I loved the walking dead series, but I wont be preordering the new mini series until I see some reviews etc. Michonne is one of the worst characters in the tv show for me, so I'm not sure i'd enjoy a game centred around her character.

She's one of the better characters in the Graphic novels which is where The Walking Dead universe started, I'm hoping this will be closer to those than the TV series. Although the TV series loosely follows the books (at least to start with) it hasn't got the same depth in the stories and at under a tenner I won't lose any sleep if it isn't all I'm hoping for.
Played the Minecraft one with my five year old, even though it's apparently one of the poorest games they have made do far she loved it so I can't complain, we are eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

That's the only one I haven't got yet, I may still get it even though you make it sound like it's a bit young for a 46 year old fella :eek: I know I'll get it for when the granddkids visit, tum-de-dum-dum
I think the quality of the writing is nearly always spot on. That's the only reason I stil play the majority of there stuff.

The lack of any real gameplay has never really bothered me. In fact, I find the majority of the 'puzzles', particularly in 'The Walking Dead' to be completely redundant. Just feels like padding. I'd rather them just focus there efforts tailoring and fine tuning the dialogue options to give each player a more unique experience.

I enjoy graphic novels and have amassed a decent collection over the years including The Walking dead series which I've been buying since book one and it is now on book 25 ( I have only got them up to 22 so far). They're my guilty pleasure and when I learnt of the TV show and the games I was quite excited by the prospect and the Telltale game didn't disappoint, Since then I've bought all there games apart from Minecraft which I will get.
I agree with everything you said.
Maybe it's because I don't treat them like games but as interactive novels, Sometimes I totally miss doing moves and die because I've become engrossed in the story and haven't had to do anything for a minute or two but that's part of the charm. As long as the prices remain below 20 quid a piece and they keep the story as the important element I'll continue to enjoy them.
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Absolutely. I do hope they move away from TWD however. They could easily fall into the same trap as the show and just basically copy paste the formula from season to season.

I'd like to see them come up with there own IP. Think that would really test the strength of there writing, having to do there own world building and such.
It would be great if they created there own universe and built it up but that said I am enjoying the romps into the numerous ones they've visited so far.

The Wolf Among Us was absolutely fantastic, probably more so because I loved the Fable backstory so much (although I know this was already a comic before TT picked it up, but this game was the first introduction to the story).

I played the Walking dead S1 a long time ago, might get around to season 2 although I think people don't rate it quite as highly...

I think it went well, It's hard to explain what I think because it'd contains spoilers so lets just say it's possible people did not expect certain events and did not like them. But if you can get past them it's fine. I also felt that way at first. :)

Batman episode one releases today 02/08/2016.

Steam pricing:
Pre-order for £17.09

Usual price of £18.99

We get the standard 10% discount for pre-ordering which is pretty pathetic but better than nothing.

Pre-install is not available yet which is a shame but it's episodic so once it starts it won't take long to install the first episode, I can't wait :)
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BATMAN's Woes.
On release the Steam review mark for this is Mostly Negative with complaints about the inability to get the correct resolution and performance that's in the teens a lot of the time.
Whether these problems are teething problems with the new engine or not is besides the point if it's not ready to release don't release it, It seems the curse of the Bat on PC is in full effect..

I always wait till the whole thing is out as I like to play them fairly close to each other so the story is still fresh.

That's definitely the best way to do it, And judging by the mess this is currently in the safest way too.
First impressions,
The resolution issue appears to be when trying to use VSR/DSR

I put it to my native 1080p and it's fine but at 4k via vsr the mouse can only move across part of the screen, As for performance I'm using a Fury pro and it's trying to give a consistent 60 fps but there are sudden dips which will need to be addressed (presumably on the driver side of things).

And once again, that is why you don't pre-order :p

I hope people are making good use of steams refund policy!

There's no real need from what I can see. We just need AMD and Nvidia to do there part with the drivers.
Episodic games just don't work. Who wants to play 2 hours of a 10 hour game, then wait 2 month for another 2 hours? Telltale are good, drop the episodic nature and just release the whole thing?

EDIT: If a weekly episode(like the TV format they are mimicking) it would be good potentially.

I agree this is a problem, One you can work around but a negative all the same, The best thing to do is buy them once they are complete, For example Minecraft is one I've yet to get but the 6 episode original is now ready to play (Apparently a 7, 8 & 9 episode dlc is incoming),

I only just played The Walking Dead Michonne mini-series, I pre-purchesd it via Steam but waited until the three episodes had been released, I pre-purchased Batman too but other than a quick boot up to see what all the hoohar was about I won't play that until it ia all available.

The lengthy delay between episodes is a big issue in my opinion. As a comparison Resident Evil Revelations 2 was episodic and they released a new episode every monday, That went great for me and while I wish Telltale would do it in that way, I can make do with playing them how I do now. At the end of the day I've enjoyed all the more recent episodic games with Minecraft storymode being the only one I've yet to purchase.
Telltale games suck. You decide nothing it's all an illusion of choice.

I agree to an extent because as I found with Walking dead series one you do lose specific people regardless of the decisions you make and any attempt to keep a particular person alive will fail.
I imagine the amount of work required to make enough storyline branches so that you can control every single characters fate and continue with every possible combination of survivors would put development costs through the roof causing the games to have true triple A game pricing.
Imagine if in episode two of series one you could go left instead of right and save Kenny junior instead of Clementine meaning every single act from there on out needs to be done for both timelines, The games do have limitations in that way but they are reasonably priced games.

I wish they would develop at least one title that does try to have every possible option available, A show piece title. Even if it did end up being a 50 or 60 pound game I'd buy it just for the experience.

The best way to go into a Telltale story is not with the view that you're God but more as you're along for the ride, It's about the story, Hence it being an interactive novel.
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

Available today for preorder (£17.09) the third season (4th if you include the Michonne series) of the Walking Dead releases with episodes one and two available to play from tomorrow, 20th December 2016.

Coming in 2017

Telltales Guardians of the Galaxy.

I'm looking forward to seeing there take on the Marvel series, They did an excellent job with the sci-fi series Tales of the Borderlands and I'm hoping they continue to put the effort in to the storytelling for this too.
Would be interested to get some of these titles as I have heard so many positive things about the Telltale games.

Am I right in thinking that if I wanted to buy the best Telltale ones, I should be looking at Tales from the Borderlands, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us and Batman?

I enjoyed The Walking Dead and Tales of the Borderlands, I've not played much of Batman yet, The Game of Thrones season was pretty good and there's another season coming for it.

I usually buy the Telltale games on preorder but leave playing them untill all the episodes are out and by then all the bugs have been dealt with too,

Currently I have Batman, Minecraft and season 3 of The Walking Dead to complete.

I like the Michonne mini-series too.
Just played episode 1 of a new frontier. Really enjoyed it, and graphics are pretty good over last season

That's good to know, I have it in my library but haven't started it yet, I was planning on waiting for all 6 episodes to be released before starting it but I'm getting a bit impatient. :)
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