Oh and nice pics, looks like we didn't understand cable management back in the eary 00's
Guilty your honour! LOL
I could say that the reason why the cables were poor, was that I had been constantly pulling them in and about to get at this or that, and that is partially true, and indeed if I was using that PC every day, I would have used cable ties etc to tidy it up a little, there is also the other admition that yeah, my other properly finished computers were not really THAT much tidier at the time either.
If it a stark contrast to how I keep PCs these days, but of course better Case design makes things a whole load easier to manage the cables better too dont they?
I mean... some cases I have had, you could not wedge a credit card between the mobo mounting board and the side of the case, never mind put some cables in there, but these days, I like to have at least half an inch gap there... More if I can to help a bit of air down there.
Times change.
I must admit that there are times when I look at some other internals and I think where the hell are their cables, and I do often get a bit envious, but then, I also look at my main PC and I realise that I have 2 GFX cards 2 DVDRWs a BRRW, 4 HDs and there is simply no way that you can hide 100% of the cables, so I dont go too hard on myself there, but when its a basic setup, I give myself a realistic fair amount of cabling that I will allow to be seen, and I try to stick to it.
Cabletidy and cable ties and insulating tape are often on the menu in many of the cases I have.
But again, on my own PCs, I dont reqally give too much of a monkeys, especially when I know that half the time, I will be swapping bits over anyway, but when I do another ones case, I spend a good hour at least getting the cables all funky, and sorted out, and I make sure that the air flow is about as good as can possibly be given what there is.