Is that Kylie Minogue in the middle?
Pendletons legs are smoking! damn
To be honest, I don't think any of you would say no to Pendleton if the option were there...
The one in front of Penders is smoking hot, who is she??
best one by a long shot........
While this thread has been mightily entertaining, I just can't help but think now that this section of the Olympics is over; are these women classified as celebrities now? Going from something that you dedicate your life to, then posing semi-nude and doing Pantene ads, it just seems odd, even the women that didn't gain gold, silver or bronze still have a chance at flaunting themselves for cash; but I say goodluck to them! To me though it seems a little crass and false, but if you can make money out of your looks then that's commendable.
/Rant over, and no-homo.
So the Gillette ads and the like should continue to go to footy andtennis stars (who already earn a fortune in their day job)
I say good for them - for all you know those ads were filmed months / years ago and were timed to be filmed during the Olympics period (to highten sales even more)
Obviously the swimmers that most have never heard of before is something else - but regular ads etc I have no problem with at all