The one and only signature creation thread

sorry, this is the best i can do... i cant make sigs without white borders... :p rule of thumb for the ocuk forums

Feek said:
OK gord, thanks for what you've done - I just removed the border!


I think this will be the one unless anyone else comes up with a different one :)


OH... you did did did... just removed the border indeed

i do not endorse this in any way, you get to go in gords black book, for anti border people neerrr

edit: people will laugh at your funnily sized sig... :p

edit 2: fine... heres your sig without borders

just so people dont laugh at you... but you do get to go in my book of pickiest sig specifiers... :)
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smoove said:
Mr_L not sure if you could, but do you reckon you could improve the image I posted?


Any chance you think you could get the "Image Hosting" in the center beneath the domain name and cutting about 5px of its width?
Also increasing the size of the photo logo thingy? Thanks :D
You'll have to host the original png again that I edited.
Hoping someone will be able to help out with a signature please.

ImMrChris was kind enough to help me out last time, unfortunately where I was hosting the image is no longer available to me.

Tbh, I don’t mind what I have as a signature as long as it contains my username (Spare Part) and little creative.

I like the image taken from the hell is for heroes – The Neon Handshake. Maybe that image with a black background and my username in the same typeface would be great.

Many thanks

Spare Part
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Could someone please doctor my sig so it has a 'subtle' christmas type element in it please? I don't want a new sig, just an addition to my current one as I like the sig that EYEREX did for me...

Thank you :)

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