The one and only signature creation thread

anyone fancy making a nice australian skyline/landmark one :) with my name in the bottom right would be great ... or an Angels & Airwaves one would be fantastic too :p either would be great...if anyone decides to ....

TIA :)
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Hi all, though I mostly seem to be looking at Red and White,

Is anyone up for making me a new signature? Can the dragon be removed from this picture and the name Lysander be put underneath it in the same font on a black background? Don't know if that's difficult or not...
could somebody make me one with the quote "Luck is the residue of design." please. obviously don't just do straight text perhaps make a little bit intresting to look at, but something fairly subtle and simple, cheers :)

and could somebody get my gold and red one (it's on a rotor so may have to press F5 a few times) and make it look like it has snow settling on the letters, it thats possible :)


any good?

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