The one and only signature creation thread

What do you guys think of my current sig? - I want something regards Quake Live :)

Literal cut and paste job tbh...

ps3ud0 :cool:
If anyone could invent me something completlely random with my nick in id be happy im bored of my lame comp spec
I like rock/metal music, wierd space stuff like Warhammer 40k, I really like the big daddy in bioshock :p I like electronics that sorta thing.
Cant think of anything else off hand.
Well, it's certainly a sig :p. Lacks something inventive I think.
Hehehe - It does need that...

OK would anyone mind trying to do one for me? Id like it to have something to do with Quake Live and the new Nissan GTR...

Ideally if you could get a shot of the whole side (or the usual front corner shot) with the Quake Live logo as a decal would be awesome :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
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