The one and only signature creation thread

Originally posted by Yewen
If they are still being done I wouldnt mind a techno type signature as ive had this sheep one i nocked up in 2 mins 3 years ago for, well, 3 years :(


This good nuf for ya?
If anybody is bored yet after 22 pages of sigs, could you please make me a comptuer/technology centric or einstein based sig with my name on it. Other than that, go crazy.
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Nice work :D Being cheeky would it be to much to change the colour to a blue, black, grey type?

Cheers Ill use that as soon as I get home and upload it to ftp :)
Originally posted by Sworkhard
If anybody is bored yet after 22 pages of sigs, could you please make me a comptuer/technology centric or einstein based sig with my name on it. Other than that, go crazy.


How about this?
Can someone please make me a sig please im useless!!

I want a black one with a mix of blink 182 arsenal and cheryl tweedy!?
Hi, I dont suppose you could make me one too could you ?

Id like Man Utd, Krystal Steal and Metallica on it please

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