The one and only signature creation thread

Hey guys, I wonder if you can help me. I'm unsure who made my sig but I wonder if you could try your hand at making me a logo.

Based around my name AmTechFox, obviously I'd like it to be Fox themed, and circular. Basically much like the Firefox logo (orange/white) but with the fox face looking you and with a tail. With my username beneath in a circular fashion.

I'm making a ebay shop, so I'd really like a killer logo for it.

Totally understand if no-one can be arsed, but I can't begin to make one myself.

I hope I've made it clear for anyone attempting to make one! Thanks if you can!.
can someone put this image against a plain bclak background with just Sanguinnus in some sort of scripty red text to the left of it? I'd do it myself but my photoshop's broke :(

EDIT: can the bcr also be rotated so the ball is at about 4/5 o clock


Thanks in advance
I'm still waiting on mine - desert highway that fades off into the distance, gradually fading into a superimposed ibanez guitar neck, with storm clouds, lightning, some cigarrattes and a lizard. Pretty please
Ok, well thats the car ive purchased so would prefer it being that one, its the only image thats any good that I have at the moment as I dont collect it until sat.

If its not good enough to work with at the moment, perhaps remove the background from it :/ I dont know.

If not then I may have to wait until I have a new photo to use.
Id really like it if someone can make me a sig together for me!

I have to images I want incorperated somewhere along with another image.

Any help is much appreciated on this :D




Car(just a crop of a wheel or the side or something would be great!-


Bit of a poor effort actually...Can play around with the layers and positioning....or a different parts of the car etc.

And these maybe, although two just have the writing in a different area:



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Someone can do me a new one :D. Please can it have Blackish background, my name in some swish blue text and hayley Williams in it ^^ Thanks!
Can someone please, please, please, please, please, please make me a Fallout 3 siggy?

Just my name and a Fallout 3 piccy. Or a couple of variations so I can chop n change.

Many thanks :)
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