The one and only signature creation thread

Hello can someone create me a sig which contains a Dwarf preferably roaring or cheering of some sort, one which includes the text anty1 and one with setzer.

Thanks in advanced, much appreciated.
Could some of you signature masters conjure (pun intended) me up a sig out of the magicka vietnam picture.

In a similar design to the BF3 sigs around (Pieplough, Raven).

Many thanks.
Need to start learning how to do these myself.


Hi mate, could you make me a sig. I like, Lily Allen, Slash, Nvidia, cigarettes, anything relating to my name (sponge), Spurs, Jack Russell's etc.. You don't have to use all of them, just take your pick and do what you can do!

Cheers mate, Sponge
Could some kind gentleman whip up a new sig for my noob self?
I'd like this pic in the middle:

On a white background with 'Ironman' on one side and 'complete' on the other. If you can muster up a stamped type effect, even more bonus points :D
Oh, if it can fit in the corner, my trophy :

You rock!
Could someone do me a sig please!

I still want something strongman related but understand that decent pictures to use are hard to find :(

No need for my name in it or anything else, just a nice pic / group of pics would be great :)
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