The one and only signature creation thread

Hi guys

Just wondering if any of you fancy making me a banner for my website of Newcastle University Squash Club, the address to reach it is My photoshop skills are getting a little better but nowhere near as what you lot can do.

If possible could I have a banner saying Newcastle University Squash Club with the badge & the team photo.

It would be great if you one of you could oblige and that it wouldnt take you too long. If you dont want to do it then thats fine. Can you do one in a black and white theme and one in a grey theme if not too much trouble. I would like the banners to be 770 width x 120 height.


Team Photo

Some other photos are here if you want to include some more or want better pictures
bigred said:

Any good? I can send you the PSD file if you (or anyone else) wants to have a go :)


Thats good matey, just had in mind a black or grey background and the picture being more blended in rather than being cut out. Perhaps fill it with a picture of the tyne bridge or something i.e. blend two photos together and have a black strip down the bottom with the name on that curves onto the left hand wall and the logo is placed there. Sorry to be such a pain.

Fed up with my carp PS skills and naff sigs so would anyone be kind enough to make me one similar to my poor attempt below.


would like
Clean(ish) background
Suicide girl (I cant link to any examples for obvious reasons)
User name (Sp!ke obviously ;) )
and the text thats in the above.

Font's etc totally up to you.

Cheers Sp!
Can anybody make me one? Don't mind what it's about really, as long as it includes my name. Think anything is better than my current tag :)
Loving my guns at the moment, could one of you kind people make me a "dark" looking sig with a gun theme - something like a shiny desert eagle etc..

Ta :)
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