The one and only signature creation thread


Thank you kind sir.
Afternoon all you signature wizards.

Can I request someone modify my signature please?

I would like to keep the same color scheme but change only the image on the left.
I would like someone to remove the costume quest characters and replace them with something like these (also in grey to match the color scheme:



Olliver on the left (the boy)
And Mr Drippy on the right (the fat thing :P )

Oh and maybe this guy somewhere too:


thanks in advance
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Hi guys

Can someone do me a new sig please? Something with my name in it. Could it also have little bugs on it - like this

And stars...I like stars :)

Can it be either black or red?

Thanks :)
I'm getting bored of my text sigs and sigrotor has just taken a dump in the bed so maybe it's time for an update.

I have no suggestions, ideas or direction. Do what you like.
Not like musty's but can make one like it later if u dont like


edit: sorry magnolia i wouldn't even know where to begin making a sig for you, if you give a few suggestions ill try make one though :D
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no problemo mate, just hope i'm not treading on anybody's toes making these as i'm thinking the best way for me to learn ps is to do things like this
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