The one and only signature creation thread

Not a patch on what MrChris can do but it's been a slow day and I wanted to try out my new PS.



Alternative, wasn't sure if you meant Bacon or Bacon so...
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MrChris when you have time could you do me two more of these Twitch headers in the same style please?

Could I have two that say 'schedule' and 'thank you'.

Thanks Chris! :D


Some great work here Chris,

When you get chance could I possibly have one with my name, and the slogan "Check Check" with a Dayz theme, not zombies more like some eerie scenery?

****Edit**** maybe someone in the scope of a DMR from dayz as the theme???
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$files = glob('{*.PNG,*.png,*.JPG,*.jpg,*.GIF,*.gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
use that code in a php file on a webserver in the same folder as ur images then just reference the php file in ur sig :D
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