@Brizzles and @ImMrChris any chance of a high contrast version like the one I have now ? I tried both and can’t get used to them...
@Brizzles and @ImMrChris any chance of a high contrast version like the one I have now ? I tried both and can’t get used to them...
Big derpomg! How long you had this up here for? 759 pages and I have never seen this mentioned before!
EDIT: WTF - I thought I was on page 759 it's in the damn first post! I just had a mini glitch. lol
Only recently had a new one in here ( thanks again ) but any chance of a change as i have changed my name haha!
anything PCMR relateed
Feel free to creatively insult console peasants as much as you want!
Bonus points for including the new call of duty modern warfare game somehow!