About 10-15 years ago I reversed my car out of the garage with the door open and bent the frame against the edge of the garage.
That was fun.
That was fun.
I have been trying to change the cartridges on the kitchen deck tap for ages, to stop all a worsening drip (cold tap but may as well change both), both sides have been very stubborn.
I finally got the hot side out and changed but the lever screw on the cold side is stuck firm and the head is slightly rounded. I have tried everything I can to break the corrosion seal but I have just this minute completely buggered the head. Going to need a screw extraction bit now.
On the plus side hammering a screw driver to try and get it bite seems to have stopped the drip for now.
Managed to completely round off the screw head on our kitchen tap last week - nothing would make it budge and the metal they used is like butter.
Luckily it was an easy-fit model so managed to get a new on for £55 in the sale and fitted it within 10 mins after literally several hours of trying to get the cartridges out of the old one.